this is an example of debugging sqlite3 native code when running on a production ZCS jetty install. 1) Build a debug version of sqlitejdbc. 1.1) download it 1.2) patch it to allow debug symbols $ diff -r sqlitejdbc sqlitejdbc-ours diff -r sqlitejdbc/Makefile sqlitejdbc-ours/Makefile 39d38 < $(STRIP) build/$(target)/$(LIBNAME) diff -r sqlitejdbc/Makefile.common sqlitejdbc-ours/Makefile.common 61c61 < Default_CFLAGS := -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include -Os -fPIC --- > Default_CFLAGS := -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux -Os -fPIC -g 1.3) make 1.4) cd build 1.5) mv Default-x86_64/ linux-amd64.lib 1.6) jar uvf sqlitejdbc-v054-native.jar linux-amd64.lib 1.7) cp sqlitejdbc-v054-native.jar /opt/zimbra/lib/jars/ 1.8) cp sqlitejdbc-v054-native.jar /opt/zimbra/jetty-6.1.15/common/lib/ 2) Setup /opt/zimbra/.gdbinit as root and chown it to zimbra:zimbra: $ cat /opt/zimbra/.gdbinit set history filename /var/tmp/zimbra_gdb_history set history save on set history expansion on echo \n echo \n echo .gdbinit executed!\n $ 3) Make sure no low ports are in use. In a standard install you may have to swap 80/443 with something like this: $ zmprov -l ms \ zimbraMailPort 8080 \ zimbraMailProxyPort 80 \ zimbraMailSSLPort 8443 \ zimbraMailSSLProxyPort 443 4) Copy/paste and save your jetty command when the process starts normally. Then take out the jetty-setuid.xml from the arguments (gdb doesn't seem to work across setuid). What you save should look something like this: -Xms4784m -Xmx4784m -client -XX:NewRatio=2 -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -Xss256k -Djava.library.path=/opt/zimbra/lib -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/zimbra/mailboxd/common/endorsed -Dzimbra.config=/opt/zimbra/conf/localconfig.xml -Djetty.home=/opt/zimbra/mailboxd -DSTART=/opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/start.config -jar /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/start.jar /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/ /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/jetty.xml 5) gdb /opt/zimbra/java/bin/java 5.1) let gdb know where sqlite3/sqlitejdbc source code is: (gdb) directory /var/tmp/sqlitejdbc/sqlitejdbc (gdb) directory /var/tmp/sqlitejdbc/sqlitejdbc/build/sqlite-3.6.3-Default-x86_64 5.2) tell gdb that you will be setting a breakpoint in a shared library that will be loaded later on: (gdb) set breakpoint pending on 5.3) ask gdb to set a breakpoint in the sqlitejdbc or sqlite3: (gdb) break Java_org_sqlite_NativeDB__1open 5.4) run the program with the long jetty argument list: (gdb) run -Xms4784m ... /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/jetty.xml 5.5) You will hit a SIGSEGV pretty soon. This is the JVM doing NullPointerException checks with SIGSEGVs. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000002a99470d10 in ?? () Tell gdb to not stop for JVM handled signals, and to pass it on to the program: (gdb) handle SIGSEGV SIG33 nostop noprint Signal Stop Print Pass to program Description SIGSEGV No No Yes Segmentation fault SIG33 No No Yes Real-time event 33 (gdb) continue 5.6) If you get stopped with a SIGTRAP in dl_init_internal, just "continue" 5.7) You will hit your breakpoint after this. 5.8) You can not relaunch the program with "run". Within the same gdb session, if you do subsequent (second, third...) runs, the pending breakpoint stuff doesn't seem to work. Just exit gdb, and start over. (That's why saving history in .gdbinit is so important).