REST URL for requesting content:
fmt={ics, csv, etc}
charset={Windows-31J, GBK, etc, default is UTF-8}
types={types} // when searching
{types} = comma-separated list. Legal values are:
(default is "conversation")
{auth-types} = comma-separated list. Legal values are:
co cookie
ba basic auth
nsc do not set a cookie when using basic auth
(default is "co,ba", i.e. check both)
{time} = (time in milliseconds) |
YYYY/dd/mm |
mm/dd/YYYY |
[-]nnnn{minute,hour,day,week,month,year} // relative
URL for posting to SOAP is:
urn:zimbra -- top-level namespace for global attributes/elements
Notification Reliability
To ensure that the client receives all notifications, the client
must send the highest known notification ID (the highest
block that the client has received and processed) so that the server
can discard them once it knows they have been received. If the client
is capable of sending multiple overlapping requests, the client is
responsible for making sure that notifications are not applied more
than once even if they are received more than one time.
Race Conditions
To avoid race conditions, the client may specify the highest change ID
that it knows about in the header element. The default behavior
(type="mod") will cause mail.MODIFY_CONFLICT to be thrown if we try to
modify an object that has been touched (flags, tags, folders, etc.) since
the specified change ID. Alternatively, type="new" will throw
mail.MODIFY_CONFLICT if we try to modify an object that has been created
or whose content has been modified since the specified change ID.
In general, the sync client will use type="mod" and the web client will
use type="new".
Proxy Mechanism
The targetServer info is a proxy mechanism to allow a browser client to
send requests to multiple servers. This is primarily useful for admin
commands, but the mechanism is available for all commands. Proxying is
needed because some admin commands must be sent to the server being
affected but the browser admin client can only talk to the server it
originally logged on to. (JavaScript security restriction) If
element is missing, the command is executed on the local
server. If the target server specified is the local server, the command
is executed locally. Otherwise, it is proxied. The server is specified
by id, not by name.
The server's default is disabling sessions for every SOAP request.
Clients that desire notification must explicitly request that the server
maintain a session for them. This is done by specifying a
element in the request.
When sessions are explicitly requested by the client, the server
will return the client's active session ID in the response's
header element. If this session ID is different from the one sent by the
client (or if the client requested a new session by including just a bare
"" in the header), the client should assume the old session
(if any) has expired and immediately start using the returned session ID.
If a new session is created (due to no session ID being supplied in the request
or the old session timing out), the response context header will contain a
block containing the current set of tags and folders. If there
have been any changes to the mailbox since the last soap operation (including
changes made due to this operation), there will also be a block in
the response context containing information on the deleted, created, and
modified items in the mailbox. (Note that a session will not return any
notifications if was ever specified in a request
element involving the session.) If there is a session, there will be a
element specifying the last change ID on the server.
- deleted has just id
- created has full ToXML item dump
- modified has type/id, modified fields
<-- all tags listed -->
NOTES: The requestId="..." attribute is optional in the request body. If present, the server will
include it in the response body element.
batch requests:
<-- all tags listed -->
User Agent
userAgent is an optional context element that is used for identifying the
type of SOAP client that's making the request. The user agent is written
to mailbox.log messages with the context string "ua".
Request and Response Formats
The requests and responses can be specified in XML or JSON format. The
server determines the request format automatically but JSON requests
MUST follow these requirements:
* request encoded in UTF-8
* start with '{' for server to identify JSON content
* do not include "Envelope" object
* elements specified as "name": { ... }
* attributes specified as "name": "value"
* namespace attribute specified as "_jsns": "ns-uri"
* element text content specified as "_content": "content"
* element list specified as "name": [ ... ]
"Header": {
"context": {
"_jsns": "urn:zimbra",
"authToken": {
"_content": "0_3e761bdc...303b"
"Body": {
"FooRequest": {
"_jsns": "urn:zimbra",
"name": "attribute content",
"_content": "element content"
The response format is the same as the request format by default.
To change, specify a "format" element in the request's Header element
with a "type" attribute. The value must be either "xml" or "js".
SOAP request with JSON response:
JSON request with XML response:
"Header": {
"context": {
"format": { "type": "xml" },
"_jsns": "urn:zimbra"
Names of all MailItem types have the following requirements:
* No longer than 255 characters.
* Cannot contain ':', '/', '"', '\t', '\r', '\n'.
* Cannot be "." or "..".
* Cannot be null or empty.
In addition, the server removes trailing whitespace and characters below 0x20 from item names.
SOAP 1.2
[{value}]* // error information (arguments, e.g. ID that was bad, or whatever)
SOAP 1.1
soap:ServerServer Error...
[{value}]* // error information (arguments, e.g. ID that was bad, or whatever)
global soap/system errors used with zimbra:Error/Code:
service.FAILURE - generic system failure
service.INVALID_REQUEST - bad request (missing args, etc)
service.UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT - no handler for specified document
service.PARSE_ERROR - XML parsing error
service.PERM_DENIED - permission denied
service.AUTH_REQUIRED - an authtoken is required
service.AUTH_EXPIRED - authentication creds have expired
service.WRONG_HOST - operation is sent to a wrong host
service.PROXY_ERROR - unable to proxy operation
service.TOO_MANY_HOPS - operation was proxied too many times
service.INTERRUPTED - index operation was interrupted
service.NOT_IN_PROGRESS - attempt to stop index operation when it was not in progress
service.ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS - attempt to start index operation when it was already in progress
service.NO_SPELL_CHECK_URL - spellcheck is not available
service.RESOURCE_UNREACHABLE - unable to reach the remote resource
service.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE - resource is temporarily unavailable
account error/codes: (includes service.*):
account.AUTH_FAILED - bad account/password
account.CHANGE_PASSWORD - password must be changed
account.PASSWORD_LOCKED - password can't be changed
account.PASSWORD_CHANGE_TOO_SOON = password can't be changed yet
account.PASSWORD_RECENTLY_USED = can't use the same password again
account.INVALID_PASSWORD - new password does not meet the system's rules (length, content, etc.)
account.INVALID_ATTR_NAME - the specified attribute name is invalid
account.INVALID_ATTR_VALUE - the specified attribute value is invalid
account.MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS_MATCHED - when auth by foreignPrincipal matches multiple accounts with the same foreignPrincipal
when specifiying an account, one of or must be specified. see preauth.txt for a discussion of preauth.
An authToken can be passed instead of account/password/preauth to validate an existing auth token.
If verifyAccount="1", is required and the account in the auth token is compared to the named account.
Mismatch results in auth failure. An external app that relies on ZCS for user identification can use this to
test if the auth token provided by the user belongs to that user.
If verifyAccount="0" (default), only the auth token is verified and any element specified is ignored.
{persistAuthTokenCookie} = controls whether the auth token cookie in the response should
be persisted when the browser exits.
0: (default)
the cookie will be deleted when the Web browser exits.
1: The "Expires" attribute of the cookie will be set per rfc6265.
{csrfTokenSecured} = controls whether the client has the capability to handle CSRF token
0: (default) the client is not capable of handling CSRF token
1: The client is capable of handling CSRF token.
{mail-host} = host additional SOAP requests should be directed to. Always returned, might be same as original host request was sent to.
{virtual-host} = if specified (in conjunction with by="name"), virtual-host is used to determine the domain of the account name, if it
does not include a domain component. For example, if the domain has a zimbraVirtualHostname of "",
and an auth request comes in for "joe" with a virtualHost of "", then the request will be equivalent to
logging in with "".
only attrs that are allowed to be returned by GetInfo will be returned by this call
{requested-skin} = if specified the name of the skin requested by client
{skin-name} = if requested-skin specified, the name of the skin to use
{trusted} = if trusted=1, the requesting client will not require two-factor authentication in the future
{generateDeviceId} = if 1, the server will generate a unique ID for the client, and return it in the deviceId element.
Additional Notes about Auth behavior when mailstore is accessed via reverse proxy (i.e. nginx)
1. All mail stores are capable of validating the user and generating an Auth Token. Nginx will direct the auth request to an arbitrary server based on round robin balancing.
2. When a session context is requested, AuthRequest will only return a session context if the request was passed to the mail store that holds the user account being accessed.
Any other mail store will validate the user, and generate an Auth Token, BUT will not return a session context.
3. For single node configurations (with no nginx proxy) - the session ID can be passed in either manner - as a cookie -or- in the Soap Header. For code portability it is best to use the cookie method.
4. For a multi-node configuration passing the Auth Token in the SOAP Header of subsequent SOAP requests will NOT allow nginx to direct those requests to the correct mail store for the user account.
The Auth Token MUST instead be sent as a cookie "ZM_AUTH_TOKEN=...Auth Token returned from AuthRequest..." as this is how nginx tells which mail store the request needs to be sent to.
See also //depot/zimbra/main/ThirdParty/nginx/docs/HTTP for more details on the semantics of auth and nginx.
See ZimbraTwoFactorAuth server extension docs for more details on two-factor authentication-related request/response attributes.
{virtual-host} = if specified virtual-host is used to determine the domain of the account name, if it
does not include a domain component. For example, if the domain has a zimbraVirtualHostname of "",
and an auth request comes in for "joe" with a virtualHost of "", then the request will be equivalent to
logging in with "".
Returns new authToken, as old authToken will be invalidated on password change.
Ends the current session, removing it from all caches. Called when
the browser app (or other session-using app) shuts down. Has no
effect if called in a context.
Setting logoff to "1" will prevent the cookie from being re-used.
If no elements are provided, all known prefs are returned in the response.
If elements are provided, only those prefs are returned in the response.
<-- by default, GetInfo returns all data; to limit the returned data, specify only the sections you want in the "sections" attr -->
{same as DiscoverRightsResponse}
{version} = server version: [.[.]][build] [ ]
{account-name} = email address (user@domain)
{life-time} = number of milliseconds until auth token expires
{admin-delegated} = "1" if the auth token is a delegated auth token issued to an admin account
{account-base-REST-url} = base REST URL for the requested account
returned only if the command successfully executes on the target user's home mail server:
{used} = mailbox quota used in bytes
{last-SOAP-access} = time (in millis) of last write op from this session, or from *any* SOAP session if we don't have one
{previous-SOAP-session} = time (in millis) of last write op from any SOAP session before this session was initiated,
or same as {last-SOAP-access} if we don't have one
{recent-messages} = number of messages received since the previous soap session, or since the last SOAP write op if we don't have a session
prefs = user-settable preferences
attrs = account attrs that aren't user-settable, but the front-end needs.
Only attributes listed in zimbraAccountClientAttrs will be returned.
{mail-url} = URL to talk to for soap service for this account. i.e:
Multiple URLs can be returned if both http and https (SSL) are enabled. If only one of the two is enabled,
the only one URL will be returned.
{account-base-public-url} = base public URL for the requested account
{admin-base-public-url} = base admin console URL. Only returned for admin accounts.
attrs under : including the following attrs of the child account:
- displayName
{data-source}: see GetDataSourcesRequest for details
{zimlet-presence}: mandatory | enabled | disabled
Note: For historical reasons, there are some minor differences between the Admin and Account versions of
{account-name} = email address (user@domain)
attr = account attrs. Currently only these attrs are returned:
zimbraId - the unique UUID of the zimbra account
zimbraMailHost - the server on which this user's mail resides
displayName - Display name for the account
{soap-url} = URL to talk to for soap service for this account. i.e:
Multiple URLs can be returned if both http and https (SSL) are enabled. If only one of the two is enabled,
the only one URL will be returned.
{account-base-public-url} = base public URL for the requested account
{admin-base-public-url} = base admin console URL. Only returned for admin accounts.
{change-password-url} = URL to talk to in order to change a password. Not returned if not configured via domain
attribute zimbraChangePasswordURL
{community-url} = Zimbra Community URL to load in Community tab.
The URL points to /api.ashx/v2/oauth/redirect script in Zimbra Community and contains signed GET parameters used by Zimbra Community to authenticate current user.
This parameter is returned only when zimbraFeatureSocialExternalEnabled is set to TRUE and the following attributes are configured:
zimbraCommunityAPIClientID, zimbraCommunityAPIClientSecret, zimbraCommunityUsernameMapping,zimbraCommunityBaseURL,zimbraCommunityHomeURL
{bosh-url} = Proxy URL for accessing XMPP over BOSH. Should be returned only when zimbraFeatureChatEnabled is set to TRUE for Account/COS
Returns intersection of installed skins on the server and the list
specified in the zimbraAvailableSkin on an account (or its
CoS). If none is set in zimbraAvailableSkin, it returns the
entire list of installed skins. The installed skin list is obtained
by a directory scan of the designated location of skins on a server.
Returns the known CSV formats that can be used for
import and export of addressbook.
[ ]
[ or ]+
(exactly one instance of )
-- or --
(exactly one instance of )
{more-flag} = 1 if the results were truncated.
{tokenize-key-op} = and|or
- Not present if the search key was not tokenized.
- Some clients backtrack on GAL results assuming the results of a more
specific key is the subset of a more generic key, and it checks cached
results instead of issuing another SOAP request to the server.
If search key was tokenized and expanded with AND or OR, this cannot
be assumed.
{type} = type of addresses to search
"account" for regular user accounts, aliases and distribution lists
"resource" for calendar resources
"all" for combination of both types
if omitted, defaults to "all"
needExp: if the "exp" flag is needed in the response for group entries.
default is 0
needIsOwner: if the "isOwner" flag is needed in the response for group entries.
default is 0
needIsMember = if the "isMember" flag is needed in the response for group entries.
all: the isMember flag returned is 1 if the user is a direct or indirect
member of the group, 0 otherwise.
directOnly: the isMember flag returned is 1 if the user is a direct
member of the group, 0 otherwise.
none(default): the isMember flag is not returned
{gal-entry-ref}: a unigue reference id for the GAL entry. This is the ref id to be used for the value
of type="G" contact group members. See CreateContactRequest and ModifyContactRequest.
1 - limit and offset in the request was honored
0 - the underlying search does not support pagination
limit and offset in the request was not honored
exp: if the user can (has right to) expand group members
returned only if needExp is 1 in the request and only on group entries (type=group in attrs on a ).
isOwner: whether the user is an owner of the group
returned only if needIsOwner is 1 in the request and only on group entries (type=group in attrs on a ).
isMember: whether the user is a member of the group
returned only if needIsMember is 1 in the request and only on group entries (type=group in attrs on a ).
see SearchRequest for use of cursor.
see SearchCalendarResources for use of searchFilter
- the number of entries in the response is limited by Account/COS attribute
zimbraContactAutoCompleteMaxResults with default value of 20.
{type} = type of addresses to auto-complete on
"account" for regular user accounts, aliases and distribution lists
"resource" for calendar resources
"group" for contact groups
"all" for combination of all types
if omitted, defaults to "account"
{more-flag} = 1 if the results were truncated.
{tokenize-key-op} = and|or
- Not present if the search key was not tokenized.
- Some clients backtrack on GAL results assuming the results of a more
specific key is the subset of a more generic key, and it checks cached
results instead of issuing another SOAP request to the server.
If search key was tokenized and expanded with AND or OR, this cannot
be assumed.
needExp: if the "exp" flag is needed in the response for group entries.
default is 0
exp: if the user can (has right to) expand group members
returned only if needExp is 1 in the request and only on group entries (type=group in attrs on a ).
{folders} - comma separates list of folder IDs.
{type} = type of addresses to auto-complete on
"account" for regular user accounts, aliases and distribution lists
"resource" for calendar resources
"group" for contact groups
"all" for combination of all types
if omitted, defaults to "account"
- the number of entries in the response is limited by Account/COS attribute
zimbraContactAutoCompleteMaxResults with default value of 20.
- email field contains comma separated email addresses in case of group
- display field contains string that should be displayed by the client
- isGroup: if the entry is a group
- needExp: if the "exp" flag is needed in the response for group entries.
default is 0
- exp: if the user can (has right to) expand group members
returned only if needExp is 1 in the request and only on group entries (isGroup=1).
{limit} - Page size control for SyncGalRequest. The maximum entries that can be returned for
every SyncGal Request can be controlled by specifying this limit.
{previous-token} - The page offset token from where sync gal should be resumed.
If the request has idOnly set to true, then the response will contain
id attribute without all the contact fields populated. The sync client
then should make batch request to the server to fetch the contact fields
with .
Note: idOnly only works when GAL sync account is configured/enabled.
If idOnly is specified and GAL sync account is not enabled, idOnly will
be ignored.
galDefinitionLastModified is the time at which the GAL definition is last modified.
This is returned if the sync does not happen using GAL sync account.
{throttled-flag} - true if the SyncGal request is throttled.
{fullSyncRecommended-flag} - true if GalSync Account is available and the client is using LDAP based sync.
[attrs="a1,a2,a3"] [sortBy="{sortBy}"] [sortAscending="{sortAscending}"] [limit="..."] [offset="..."]>
[ or ]+
(exactly one instance of )
-- or --
(exactly one instance of )
attrs - comma-separated list of attrs to return ("displayName", "zimbraId", "zimbraCalResType")
sortBy - name of attribute to sort on. default is the calendar resource name.
sortAscending - whether to sort in ascending order (0/1), 1 is default
name: if specified, pass through to the GAL search as the search key
must have exactly one child or exactly one child and no other child element
conds: denotes a compound condition
must have 1 or more children
each child can be a or
not - if 1, negate the compound condition
or - if 1, child conditions are OR'd together; if 0 (default), they are AND'ed together
cond: denotes a simple condition of "attr operator value" form
not - if 1, negate the condition
attr - attribute name
op - operator; valid operators are:
"eq" - attr equals value (integer or string)
"has" - attr has value (substring search)
"ge" - attr greater than or equal to integer value
"le" - attr less than or equal to integer value
"gt" - attr greater than (but not equal to) integer value
"lt" - attr less than (but not equal to) integer value
"startswith" - attr starts with value (string)
"endswith" - attr ends with value (string)
value - value
1 - limit and offset in the request was honored
0 - the underlying search does not support pagination
limit and offset in the request was not honored
For multi-value prefs, just add the same attribute with 'n' different values:
You can also add/subtract single values to/from a multi-value pref by prefixing
the preference name with a '+' or '-', respectively in the same way you do when
using zmprov. For example:
The JSON version is different:
ModifyPrefsRequest: {
"_attrs": {
"prefName1": "prefValue1",
"prefName2": "prefValue2"
"+nameOfMulitValuedPref3": "addedPrefValue3",
"-nameOfMulitValuedPref4": "removedPrefValue4",
"nameOfMulitValuedPref5": ["prefValue5one","prefValue5two"],
_jsns: "urn:zimbraAccount"
Allowed attributes (see objectclass zimbraIdentity in zimbra.schema)
<-- must specify either 'name' or 'id' -->
<-- must specify either 'name' or 'id' -->
- If an id is provided it will be honored as the id for the signature.
- CreateSignature will set account default signature to the signature being created
if there is currently no default signature for the account.
- There can be at most one text/plain signatue and one text/html signature.
- {contact-id} contact id associated with this signature
- Changes attributes of the given signature. Only the attributes specified in the request
are modified.
- Server identify the signature by id, if the name attribute is present and is different
from the current name of the signature, the signature will be renamed.
<-- must specify either 'name' or 'id' -->
mail error/codes: (includes service.*)
Error code parameters:
- Error results have data parameters encoded in the
soap:detail for the error, in elements:
[VALUE]* // error information (arguments,
e.g. ID that was bad, or whatever)
- See SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 section above.
List of error codes:
mail.MAINTENANCE - in maintenance
mail.NO_SUCH_MBOX - no such mailbox
mail.NO_SUCH_ITEM - no such item
mail.NO_SUCH_CONV - no such converstation
mail.NO_SUCH_MSG - no such message
mail.NO_SUCH_PART - no such message part
mail.NO_SUCH_FOLDER - no such folder
mail.NO_SUCH_TAG - no such tag
mail.NO_SUCH_CONTACT - no such contact
mail.NO_SUCH_CALITEM - no such calendar item
mail.NO_SUCH_APPT - no such appointment
mail.NO_SUCH_TASK - no such task
mail.NO_SUCH_DOC - no such doc
mail.NO_SUCH_UPLOAD - no such upload
mail.NO_SUCH_WAITSET - no such waitset
mail.QUERY_PARSE_ERROR - couldn't parse search query (see below
for detailed error info)
mail.NO_SUCH_CONTACT - the specified contact id did not exist
mail.MODIFY_CONFLICT - if the modified date on a contact is different then one in the request
mail.QUERY_PARSE_ERROR details
colNo - index into query string where the error occured
curTok - current token being parsed (not always set)
parserErr - localizable error code describing what happened. Current codes:
UNKNOWN_TEXT_AFTER_IS - user entered is:blah, blah unknown
MISSING_TEXT_AFTER_TOFROMCC - user entered from: without required text
LEXICAL_ERROR - Invalid character in search string or invalid operator name (e.g. "iis:foo")
PARSER_ERROR - Missing operand after operator ("in:") or other general parse error, look at curTok
INVALID_DATE - Couldn't parse argument to date: (before: after: etc) query. Check curTok.
Email addresses:
{type} = (f)rom, (t)o, (c)c, (b)cc, (r)eply-to, (s)ender, read-receipt (n)otification, (rf) resent-from
Type is only sent when an individual message is returned. In the
list of conversations, all the email addresseses returned for a conversation are a subset
of the participants. In the list of messages in a converstation, the email addressses are
the senders.
Note that "rf" addresses can only be *returned* on a message; when sending a message, "rf" is ignored
{personal-name} = the comment/name part of an address
{email-address} = the user@domain part of an address
{display-name} = if we have personal, first word in "word1 word2" format, or last word in "word1, word2" format.
if no personal, take string before "@" in email-address.
{content} = the original email string as specified by the sender (since we can't reliably reconstruct it
out of the components)
{mime-part-name} = MIME part, "" means top-level part, 1 first part, 1.1 first part of a multipart inside of 1.
truncated="1" = the caller requested a maximum length (max="...") for inlined , and this part's content was truncated down to that length
{content-type} = MIME Content-Type. The mime type is the content of the element.
{name} = name attribute from the Content-Type param list
{cont-disp} = MIME Content-Disposition
{filename} = filename attribute from the Content-Disposition param list
{content-id} = MIME Content-ID (for display of embedded images)
{content-location} = MIME/Microsoft Content-Location (for display of embedded images)
{cont-desc} = MIME Content-Description. Note cont-desc is not currently used in the code.
{content} = the content of the part, if requested
{is-body} = set to 1, if this part is considered to be the "body" of the message for display
{message-id} = item id of the enclosing message, only present if is not enclosed within a element
{subject}{fragment}{Message-ID header}
{content} = complete rfc822 message. only present during certain operations that deal with the raw content
of a message. There is at most 1 content element.
{conv-id} = converstation id. only present if is not enclosed within a element
{size} = size in bytes
{flags} = (u)nread, (f)lagged, has (a)ttachment, (r)eplied, (s)ent by me, for(w)arded, calendar in(v)ite,
(d)raft, IMAP-\Deleted (x), (n)otification sent, urgent (!), low-priority (?), priority (+)
{date} = secs since epoch, from date header in message
{original-id} = message id of message being replied to/forwarded (outbound messages only)
{url} = content servlet relative url for retrieving message content
{subject} = subject of the message, only returned on an expanded message
{fragment} = first n-bytes of the message (probably between 40-100)
* = zero or more addresses in the message, indentified by
type (t="f|t|c")
... = Parsed out iCal invite. See soap-calendar.txt
... = The root MIME part of the message. There is exactly 1 MIME part under
a message element. The "body" will be tagged with body="1", and the content
of the body will also be present
= the raw content of the message. cannot have more than one of , url, and body.
{date} = date (secs since epoch) of most recent message in converstation
{tag-names} = comma-separated list of tags on conv
{flags} = same flags as on ("sarwfdxnu!?"), aggregated from all the conversation's messages
{subject} = subject of conversation
{fragment} = fragment of most recent msg in converstation
{num-msgs} = number of messages in conversation without IMAP \Deleted flag set
{all-msgs} = total number of messages in conversation
* = zero or more participants in the converstations;
if elided="1", some participants are missing before the first returned element
...+ = one or more messages in the conversation. When doing search, the elements returned
will only have the "id" attribute, and only messages that matched the search will be included.
... ?
{folder-name} = name of folder; whitespace is trimmed by server;
{parent-id} = id of parent folder (absent for root folder)
{flags} = checked in UI (#), exclude free/(b)usy info, IMAP subscribed (*), does not (i)nherit rights from parent, is a s(y)nc folder with external data source, sync is turned on(~), folder does n(o)t allow inferiors / children
{color} = numeric; range 0-127; defaults to 0 if not present; client can display only 0-7
{unread} = number of unread messages in folder
{imap-unread} = number of unread messages with this tag, *including* those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
{msg-count} = number of non-subfolder items in folder
{imap-count} = number of non-subfolder items in folder, *including* those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
{total-size} = total size of all of non-subfolder items in folder
{default-type} = (optional) default type for the folder; used by web client to decide which view to use;
possible values are the same as 's {types}: conversation|message|contact|etc
{remote-url} = url (RSS, iCal, etc.) this folder syncs its contents to
{rest-url} = url to the folder on rest interface for rest-enabled apps (such as wiki and notebook)
{effective-perms} = for remote folders, the access rights the authenticated user has on the folder
- will contain the calculated (c)reate folder permission if the user has
both (i)nsert and (r)ead access on the folder
{zimbra-id} = the Zimbra account id, or if the {grantee-type} is "guest", the user's email address
folders can have an optional ACL set on them for sharing. if they do (and the authenticated
user has (a)dminister rights on the folder), an element will be returned containing
1 or more elements.
an element has the following attributes:
{internalGrantExpiry} = time when grants to internal grantees expire.
If not specified in the request, defaults to the maximum allowed expiry for internal grants.
If not specified in the response, defaults to 0.
Value of 0 indicates that these grants never expire.
{guestGrantExpiry} = time when grants to guest grantees expire.
If not specified in the request, defaults to the maximum allowed expiry for guest/external
user grants. If not specified in the response, defaults to 0.
Value of 0 indicates that these grants never expire.
a element has the following attributes:
{rights} = some combination of (r)ead, (w)rite, (i)nsert, (d)elete, (a)dminister, workflow action (x), view (p)rivate, view (f)reebusy
{grantee-type} = the type of grantee:
"dom" (domain),
"all" (all authenticated users), "pub" (public authenticated and unauthenticated access),
"guest" (non-Zimbra email address and password),
"key" (non-Zimbra email address and access key)
{zid} = grantee id
{grantee-name} = name or email address of the principal being granted rights.
optional if {grantee-type} is "all"/"guest"/"pub". When specified in a request,
this can be just the username portion of the address in the default domain.
{pw} = optional argument. password when {grantee-type} is "guest"
{key} = optional argument. access key when {grantee-type} is "key"
{expiry} = time when this grant expires.
For internal/guest grant: If this attribute is not specified, the expiry of the grant is derived
from internalGrantExpiry/guestGrantExpiry of the ACL it is part of. If this attribute is
specified (overridden), the expiry value can not be greater than the corresponding expiry value in
the ACL.
For public grant: If this attribute is not specified, defaults to the maximum allowed expiry for
a public grant. If not specified in the response, defaults to 0. Value of 0 indicates that this
grant never expires.
Retention policy:
{duration} = a time duration value in provisioning format, e.g. "30d" for 30 days.
When applying system retention policy to a folder or tag, only the type and id
attributes are required.
{folder-name} = name of folder
{parent-id} = id of parent folder (absent for root folder)
{flags} = checked in UI (#), exclude free/(b)usy info, IMAP subscribed (*)
{owner's-display-name} = primary email address of the owner of the linked-to resource
{owner's-zimbra-id} = Zimbra id (guid) of the owner of the linked-to resource
{id-of-shared-item} = item id of the linked-to resource in the remote mailbox
{UUID-of-shared-item} = UUID of the linked-to resource in the remote mailbox
{owner's-name-for-item} = The name presently used for the item by the owner
{color} = numeric; range 0-127; defaults to 0 if not present; client can display only 0-7
{default-type} = (optional) default type for the folder; used by web client to decide which view to use;
possible values are the same as 's {types}:
{reminder-enabled} = whether client should display reminder for appointments/tasks on this shared calendar
[ ... ]
{tag-name} = name of tag; cannot begin with '\' (avoid collsions with IMAP)
{color} = numeric; range 0-127; defaults to 0 if not present; client can display only 0-7
{unread} = number of unread messages with this tag
{item-count} = number of items with this flag
[ // OPTIONAL: client timezone identification (necessary to time-correct a user-specified date/time query)
// References an existing server-known timezone by ID
// This format is identical to the one defined in soap-calendar.txt, make sure the documents stay in sync
"] // offset from UTC in daylight time; present only if DST is used
[ // If daylight savings time is not used, and must be
// omitted. If DST is used, both and must be present.
"] // day of month (1..31)
hour="" // transition hour (0..23)
min="" // transition minute (0..59)
sec="" // transition second; 0..59, usually 0
] // optional STANDARD/DAYLIGHT definition
] // optional TIMEZONE specifier
[ // OPTIONAL: client locale identification
LOCALE-STRING // Where locale string is of the form LL-CC[-V+] where
// LL is two character language code
// CC is two character country code
// V+ is optional variant identifier string
// ISO Language Codes:
// ISO Country Codes:
limit: an integer specifying the maximum number of results to return. It defaults to 10 if not specified, and is capped
by 1000.
offset: an integer specifying the 0-based offset into the results list to return as the first result for this search
For example, limit=10 offset=30 will return the 31st through 40th results inclusive.
For a response, the order of the returned results represents the sorted order. There is not a separate index attribute
or element.
if fetch="1" (or fetch="first") is specified, the first hit will be expanded inline (messages only at present)
if fetch="{item-id}", only the message with the given {item-id} is expanded inline
if fetch="all", all hits are expanded inline
+ if html="1" is also specified, inlined hits will return HTML parts if available
+ if read="1" is also specified, inlined hits will be marked as read
+ if neuter="0" is also specified, images in inlined HTML parts will not be "neutered"
+ if s are requested, any matching headers are included in inlined message hits
+ if max="{max-inlined-length}" is specified, inlined body content in limited to the given length;
if the part is truncated, truncated="1" is specified on the in question
Setting specifying which recipients should be returned.
recip="0" [default]
returned sent messages will contain "From:" Senders only
returned conversations will contain an aggregated list of "From:" Senders from messages in the conversation
(maximum of 8)
returned sent messages will contain the set of "To:" Recipients instead of the Sender
returned conversations whose first hit was sent by the user will contain that hit's "To:" recipients instead
of the conversation's sender list (maximum of 8)
returned sent messages will contain the sets of both "From:" Senders and "To:" Recipients
returned conversations will contain an aggregated list of "From:" Senders and "To:" Recipients from messages
in the conversation (maximum of 8 of each)
unless include-imap-deleted="1", items with the \Deleted flag are omitted from the search results (defaults to "0")
if include-muted="0", items with the \Muted flag are omitted from the search results (defaults to "1")
{group-by} = DEPRECATED. Use TYPES instead.
{types} = comma-separated list. Legal values are:
(default is "conversation")
**NOTE: only ONE of message, conversation may be set. If
both are set, the first is used.
{sort-by} = default is "dateDesc"
Possible values:
* If sort-by is "none" then cursors MUST NOT be used, and some searches are impossible (searches that require
intersection of complex sub-ops). Server will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the search is invalid.
ADDITIONAL SORT MODES FOR TASKS: valid only if types="task" (and task alone):
{more-flag} = 1 if there are more search results remaining.
{content-matched} = 1 if the content of the message matched
elements will be set for the first response if fetch=1
elements may be present if any attachments matched
{field} = by default, text without an operator searches the CONTENT field. By setting the
{field} value, you can control the default operator. Specify any of the text operators that are
available in query.txt, e.g. 'content:' [the default] or 'subject:', etc. The date operators
(date, after, before) and the "item:" operator should not be specified as default fields
because of quirks in the search grammar.
calExpandInstStart and calExpandInstEnd:
If these are specified, and the search types include calendar item
types (e.g. appointment), then the search results include the
instances for calendar items within that range in the form
described below.
***IMPORTANT NOTE: Calendar Items that have no instances within
that range are COMPLETELY EXCLUDED from the results (e.g. not even
an element>. Calendar Items with no data (such as Tasks
with no date specified) are included, but with no instance
{result-mode} = Specifies the type of result
default is "NORMAL"
Valid choices:
NORMAL : everything
IDS : only IDs
fullConversation: By default, only matching messages are included in conversation results.
Set to 1 (true) to include all messages in the conversation, even if they don't match the search,
including items in Trash and Junk folders.
warmup: When this option is specified, all other options are simply ignored, so you can't include this option in
regular search requests. This option gives a hint to the index system to open the index data and primes it for
search. The client should send this warm-up request as soon as the user puts the cursor on the search bar. This will
not only prime the index but also opens a persistent HTTP connection (HTTP 1.1 Keep-Alive) to the server, hence
smaller latencies in subseqent search requests. Sending this warm-up request too early (e.g. login time) will be in
vain in most cases because the index data is evicted from the cache due to inactivity timeout by the time you
actually send a search request.
quick: For performance reasons, the index system accumulates messages with not-indexed-yet state until a certain
threshold and indexes them as a batch. To return up-to-date search results, the index system also indexes those
pending messages right before a search. To lower latencies, this option gives a hint to the index system not to
trigger this catch-up index prior to the search by giving up the freshness of the search results, i.e. recent
messages may not be included in the search results.
If needExp is "1", two additional flags will be included in elements for messages
returned inline:
- isGroup: "1" if the email address is a group
- exp: present only when isGroup="1"
"1" if the authed user can (has permission to) expand members in this group
"0" if the authed user does not have permission to expand group members
- id, sortVal: These correspond to the last hit on the current page (assuming you're going forward, if you're backing
up then they should be the first hit on the current page) or the selected item before changing the sort order.
sortVal should be set to the value of the 'sf' (SortField) attribute. If you are changing the sort field, don't
specify sortVal because 'sf' is sort field dependent. (In this case, the server supplements sortVal using the
specified item ID. If the item no longer exist, the cursor gets cleared.) The server uses those attributes to find
the spot in the new results that corresponds to your old position: even if some entries have been removed or added
to the search results (e.g. if you are searching is:unread and you read some).
- endSortVal (optional): Used for ranges to tell the cursor where to stop (non-inclusive) returning values
- includeOffset (optional): If true, the response will include the cursor position (starting from 0) in the entire
hits. This can't be used with text queries. Don't abuse this option because this operation is relatively expensive
in the server.
- Cursors are NOT legal if sortBy="none".
conversation result:
[{suggested query string}]
Info block:
The block is used to return general status
information about your search. The element tells
you about the status of wildcard expansions within your search
-- if expanded=1, then the wildcard was expanded and the
matches are included in the search. If expanded=0 then the
wildcard was not specific enough and therefore no wildcard
matches are included (exact-match *is* included in results).
message result:
*(header content)
[...] // if fetch=1, the 's of the hit (first hit only)
+ // Hit Part -- indicator that the named part matched the search string
contact result:
type is assumed to be "contact" if not present. If it is present and set to "group", then the contact is a
personal distribution list.
appointment result:
[dur="duration"] // default duration; for appointments only
[] // organizer, if available
Expanded instance data -- only if calExpandInstStart and
calExpandInstEnd are requested in the SearchRequest:
[] // duration this instance if not same as default
[] // isOrg flag if not same as default
[] // otherAtt flag if not same as default
Next alarm trigger time and related info:
[ // detail of the alarm (repeat policy, text to show, etc.)
// See definition in soap-calendar.txt
-- fba: actual free-busy status: Free, Busy, busy-Tentative, busy-Unavailable (a.k.a. OutOfOffice)
While free-busy status is simply a property of an event that
is set during creation/update, "actual" free-busy status is the true
free-busy state that depends on appt/invite free-busy, event scheduling
status (confirmed vs. tentative vs. cancel), and more importantly, the
attendee's participation status. For example, actual free-busy is
busy-Tentative for an event with Busy free-busy value until the attendee
has acted on the invite.
-- transp: transparency: Opaque, Transparent
-- status: status of event: TENTative, CONFirmed or CANCelled
-- ptst: **your** participation status: NEeds-action, TEntative, ACcept, DEclined, DG (delegated)
-- get the summary of appointments for a specified time period...
-- otherAtt: 1 if there are other attendees to the meeting
-- alarm: 1 if there are some alarms
-- recur: 1 if this is a recurring appointment
-- id is mail_item id of APPOINTMENT object
-- invId is mail_item id of invite message with detailed information
-- comp is component number (invite # within the message)
-- parameters in the apptSum are "defaults" -- are same in instance unless specified
message-part result:
*(header content)
[...] // if fetch=1, the 's of the hit (first hit only)
// Hit Part -- indicator that the named part matched the search string
if nest="1" on the request, response looks like this:
[...] // if fetch=1, the 's of the hit (first hit only)
// Hit Part -- indicator that the named part matched the search string
{cm} = 1 if the message matched the specified query string
SEE SearchResponse for more info
If needExp is "1", two additional flags will be included in elements for messages
returned inline:
- isGroup: "1" if the email address is a group
- exp: present only when isGroup="1"
"1" if the authed user can (has permission to) expand members in this group
"0" if the authed user does not have permission to expand group members
{browse-by} = domains|attachments|objects
where "objects" means objects in message body content recognized by Zimlets via
{regex-string} = return only those results which match the specified regular expression
{max} = return only a maximum number of entries as requested. If more than {max}
results exist, the server will return the first {max}, sorted by frequency
{browse-data} =
for attachments: content type (application/msword)
for objects: object type (url, etc)
for domains: domains (, etc)
domain also contains the "h" attribute:
which indicates whether or not the domain was from the "From", "To", or "Cc" header.
Valid flags are always one of: "f", "t", "ft", "c", "fc", "tc", "ftc"
the caller must specify one of:
- an {item-id},
- a fully-qualified {path}, or
- both a {folder-id} and a relative {path}
a successful GetItemResponse will contain a single element appropriate for the type of the requested item
if there is no matching item, a fault containing the code mail.NO_SUCH_ITEM is returned
- a {base-folder-id}, a {base-folder-uuid} or a {fully-qualified-path} can optionally be specified;
if none is present, the descent of the folder hierarchy begins at the mailbox's root folder (id 1).
if {fully-qualified-path} is present and {base-folder-id} or {base-folder-uuid} is also present,
the path is treated as relative to the folder that was specified by id/uuid.
{base-folder-id} is ignored if {base-folder-uuid} is present.
- if "visible" is 1, we include all visible subfolders of the specified folder
when you have full rights on the mailbox, this is indistinguishable from the normal
when you don't: folders you can see appear normally,
folders you can't see (and can't see any subfolders) are omitted
folders you can't see (but *can* see >=1 subfolder) appear as hierarchy placeholders
- if *no* folders are visible and visible=1, the response looks like
- if "needGranteeName" is 0, grantee names in in folder grants (the d attribute in ) are omitted.
default for needGranteeName is 1.
- if "view" is set then only the folders with matching view will be returned. otherwise folders with any default views will be returned.
- if "depth" is set to a non-negative number, we include that many levels of subfolders in the response
(so if depth="1", we'll include only the folder and its direct subfolders)
if depth is missing or negative, the entire folder hierarchy is returned
- if "tr" is true, one level of mountpoints are traversed and the target folder's counts are applied to the local mountpoint
if the root folder as referenced by {base-folder-id} and/or {fully-qualified-path} is a mountpoint, "tr" is automatically true
mountpoints under mountpoints are not themselves expanded
GetFolderResponse always has exactly 1 folder element within it. Without a base
folder ID that folder element will represent the virtual root folder.
If "tr" is true, broken links are rendered with broken="1" on the resulting element.
*(s are requested, any matching headers are inlined into the response
(not available when raw="1")
needExp="1" to return group info (isGroup and exp flags) on elements in the response
(default is 0.)
*( when raw="0"
(default is "0", meaning no limit.)
html="1" to return defanged HTML content by default.
(default is 0.)
neuter="1" to "neuter" tags returned in HTML content; this involves switching
the "src" attribute to "dfsrc" so that images don't display by default
(default is 1.)
supply a "part" and the retrieved data will be on the specified message/rfc822 subpart.
if the part does not exist or is not a message/rfc822 part, mail.NO_SUCH_PART
ridZ="YYYYMMDD[ThhmmssZ]" is used only when making GetMsg call to open an instance of a recurring appointment.
the value specified is the date/time data of the RECURRENCE-ID of the instance being requested
needExp="1" to return group info (isGroup and exp flags) on elements in the response
(default is 0.)
wantContent = "full" to get the complete message along with the quoted content
wantContent = "original" to get the message without quoted content
wantContent = "both" to get complete message as well as the message without quoted content
By default wantContent = "full"
Note: Quoted text identification is a best effort. It is not supported by any RFCs
if s are requested, any matching headers are inlined into the response
(not available when raw="1")
[{Message-ID header for message being replied to}]
{Message-ID header}
*(header content)
- origid/rt/irt are present only on drafts
- cif is set when the message is a calendar invite that was forwarded by another user, whose calendar is being
managed by this user. The attribute is set to the email of the forwarding user, for whom the invite was
originally intended.
- when a message has been re-sent, there will be "rf" elements (Resent-From) and an "rd" attribute (Resent-Date)
- origContent contains the message without quoted content
If needExp is "1" in the request, two additional flags will be included in elements for the message:
- isGroup: "1" if the email address is a group
- exp: present only when isGroup="1"
"1" if the authed user can (has permission to) expand members in this group
"0" if the authed user does not have permission to expand group members
- if l is unset, name is the full path of the new folder; otherwise, name may not contain the folder separator '/'
- if fie="1" is set, the server will fetch the folder if it already exists rather than throwing mail.ALREADY_EXISTS
- if url is set and sync="1" (default), synchronize folder content on folder creation
- name and l are omitted on response for root folder
- u and/or n attributes are present on response iff count > 0
{list} = on input, list of items to act on, on output, list of
items that were acted on
[-]{constraint} = list of characters; constrains the set of affected items in a conversation
t - include items in the Trash
j - include items in Spam/Junk
s - include items in the user's Sent folder (not necessarily "Sent")
d - include items in Drafts folder
o - include items in any other folder
a leading '-' means to negate the constraint (e.g. "-t" means all messages not in Trash)
For op="update", caller can specify any or all of: l="{folder}", name="{name}", color="{color}",
tn="{tag-names}", f="{flags}". When modifying tags or flags, all specified tags and flags
are set, and all others are unset.
In op="delete" action, the item is either permanently deleted if dumpster is not in use, or
soft deleted to the dumpster.
In op="dumpsterdelete" action, the item in the dumpster is permanently deleted.
For op="recover", caller must specify l="{folder}". The item is recovered from dumpster as a copy
in the specified folder. The dumpster copy is then deleted.
For op="tag" or op="!tag", caller must specify tn="{tag-name}". This changes the state of
the specified tag without altering other tags.
A trash operation on a remote item will cause it to be moved to the trash folder of its
remote mailbox, not the local mailbox.
- change the item's color to new color. only one of color or rgb attribute
needs to be present. if both are present rgb value takes precedence.
rgb is specified as CSS style #rrggbb
The element in the response always contains the same id list that the client
sent in the request. Id's that were ignored due to constraints are included in the
id list.
{list} = on input, list of messages to act on, on output, list of
messages that were acted on
list may only have 1 element for action "spam"
For op="update", caller can specify any or all of: l="{folder}", name="{name}", color="{color}",
tn="{tag-names}", f="{flags}".
for op="!spam", can optionally specify a destination folder
See for more details.
{list} = on input, list of conversations to act on, on output, list of
conversations that were acted on
list may only have 1 element for action "spam"
[-]{constraint} = list of characters; constrains the set of affected items in a conversation
t - include items in the Trash
j - include items in Spam/Junk
s - include items in the user's Sent folder (not necessarily "Sent")
d - include items in Drafts folder
o - include items in any other folder
a leading '-' means to negate the constraint (e.g. "-t" means all messages not in Trash)
for op="!spam", can optionally specify a destination folder
for op="mute" or "!mute", any {constraint} is ignored
For op="move", "acctRelPath" attr can also be used to specify the target folder, in terms of the relative path
from the account / data source's root folder. The target account / data source is identified based on where the
messages in this conversation already reside. If a conversation contains messages belonging of multiple accounts /
data sources then it would not be affected by this operation.
See for more details.
[ ... ]
- mark all items in the folder as read
- hard-delete the folder, all items in the folder, and all the folder's subfolders
- hard-delete all items in the folder (and all the folder's subfolders if "recursive" is set)
- change the folder's name (and optionally location);
if {new-name} begins with '/', the folder is moved to the new path and any missing path elements are created
- move the folder to be a child of {target-folder}
- move the folder to the Trash, marking all contents as read and
renaming the folder if a folder by that name is already present in the Trash
- see ItemActionRequest
- add the object to the folder
- revoke access from {grantee-zimbra-id}
(you can use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to revoke acces granted to "all"
or use "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999" to revoke acces granted to "pub" )
- revoke orphan grants on the folder hierarchy granted to the grantee specified by zid and gt
"orphan grant" is a grant whose grantee object is deleted/non-existing. Server will throw
INVALID_REQUEST if zid points to an existing object,
Only supported if gt is usr|grp|cos|dom; otherwise server will throw INVALID_REQUEST.
- set the synchronization url on the folder to {target-url}, empty the folder, and\
synchronize the folder's contents to the remote feed, also sets {exclude-free-busy-boolean}
- synchronize the folder's contents to the remote feed specified by the folder's {url}
- add the contents to the remote feed at {target-url} to the folder [1-time action]
- set the excludeFreeBusy boolean for this folder (must specify {exclude-free-busy-boolean})
- set or unset the "checked" state of the folder in the UI
- set or unset the "sync" flag of the folder to sync a local folder with a remote source
- If set, disable access to the folder via activesync.
Note: Only works for user folders, doesn't have any effect on system folders.
- set the number of days for which web client would sync folder data for offline use
{web-offline-sync-days} must not be greater than value of zimbraWebClientOfflineSyncMaxDays account attribute
- do several operations at once:
name="{new-name}" to change the folder's name
l="{target-folder}" to change the folder's location
color="{new-color}" to set the folder's color
view="{new-view}" to change folder's default view (useful for migration)
f="{new-flags}" to change the folder's exclude free/(b)usy, checked (#), and IMAP subscribed (*) state
* to replace the folder's existing ACL with a new ACL
{list} = on input, list of folders to act on, on output, list of folders that were acted on;
list may only have 1 element for actions empty, sync, fb, check, !check, url, import, grant, !grant, revokeorphangrants,
!flag, !tag, syncon, !syncon, retentionpolicy
output of "grant" action includes the zimbra id the rights were granted on
note that "delete", "empty", "rename", "move", "color", "update" can be used on search folders as well as standard folders
[ ... ]
- caller must supply one of "id" or "tn"
- if op="update", the caller can specify "name" and/or "color"
- "tn" present in response only if "tn" present in request
u,n attributes present iff count > 0
- caller must specify one of (zid | owner) and one of (rid | path)
- reminder=1 means client should display reminders for shared appointments/tasks
# origid will be present if this is a reply or forward
# TODO: indicate whether to save in SentMail (or some other folder)
+ supports (f)rom, (t)o, (c)c, (b)cc, (r)eply-to, (s)ender, read-receipt (n)otification "type" on elements
+ only allowed one top-level but can nest s within if multipart/*
+ a leaf can have inlined content (...)
+ a leaf can have referenced content ()
+ any can have a Content-ID header attached to it
+ on reply/forward, set origid on element and set rt to "r" or "w", respectively
+ can optionally set identity-id to specify the identity being used to compose the message
+ if noSave="1", a copy will *not* be saved to sent regardless of account/identity settings
+ if fetchSavedMsg="1", return the copy of the sent message, if it was saved, in the response
+ can set priority high (!) or low (?) on sent message by specifying "f" attr on
+ if "did" is specified, then the draft item will be removed if the SendMsg is successful.
[{Message-ID header for message being replied to}]
or, if you want to compose the message remotely, upload it via
FileUploadServlet, and submit it through our server:
Composing the message based on existing draft:
If you want to compose the message based on existing draft use the following. The parameter sfd="1" (sendFromDraft) instructs
the server to construct message based on the "did" (id of the draft). The draft item will be removed if the SendMsg is successful.
Or if you want to compose the message based on existing draft, but want to make some changes such
as subject/recipient follow the below steps.
1> Send with the draft id as message id, and get all the data for the saved message.
2> Use with the data retrieved from and set the "did" parameter to draft id.
This will ensure that the draft gets removed if the SendMsg is successful.
# If the message is saved to the sent folder then the id of the message is returned.
# Otherwise, no id is returned -- just a is returned.
# If fetchSavedMsg="1", copy of the sent message, if it was saved, is returned in the response
Speaking of animals...This is another frag that is part of a bigger message. blah blah blah
needCalendarSentByFixup - Add SENT-BY parameter to ORGANIZER and/or ATTENDEE
properties in iCalendar part when sending message
on behalf of another user
default is 0
isCalendarForward - Indicates whether this a forward of calendar invitation in which
case the server sends Forward Invitation Notification, default is 0.
{send-uid} - an optional client-generated unique identifier string for the send
if the SendMsg request is re-sent but the message has not been modified, the client should use
the same {send-uid} and the server will try to check the status of the previous SendMsg attempt
{header-name}, {header-value} - custom RFC822 header name and value respectively. Only header names specified in
zimbraCustomMimeHeaderNameAllowed global config are allowed for security reasons.
dsId - Id of the data source in case SMTP settings of that data source must be used for sending the message.
# origid will be present if this is a reply or forward
# Can we have more than one From: address?
# TODO: indicate folder to save in (defaults to Drafts)
+ only allowed one top-level but can nest s within if multipart/*
+ on reply/forward, set origid on element and set rt to "r" or "w", respectively
+ can optionally set identity-id to specify the identity being used to compose the message
+ if updating an existing draft, set "id" attr on element
+ can refer to parts of existing draft in block
+ drafts default to the Drafts folder
+ setting folder/tags/flags/color occurs *after* the draft is created/updated, and if it fails the content *WILL STILL BE SAVED*
+ can optionally set autoSendTime to specify the time at which the draft should be automatically sent by the server
[{Message-ID header for message being replied to}]
or, if you want to compose the message remotely, upload it via
FileUploadServlet, and submit it through our server:
# The id of the saved draft is returned
{subject}{Message-ID header for message being replied to}{fragment}{Message-ID header}
The identity referenced by {identity-id} specifies the folder where the sent message
is saved.
+ supports (f)rom, (t)o, (c)c, (b)cc, (s)ender "type" on elements
+ (these get mapped to Resent-From, Resent-To, Resent-CC, Resent-Bcc, Resent-Sender
+ headers, which are prepended to copy of existing message)
+ aside from these prepended headers, message is reinjected verbatim
... # MUST have UID
{flags} = (u)nread, (f)lagged, has (a)ttachment, (r)eplied, (s)ent by me, for(w)arded,
(d)raft, deleted (x), (n)otification sent
{tag-names} = comma-separated list of tag names
{folder} = folder pathname (starts with '/') or folder ID
{received-date} = (optional) time the message was originally received, in MILLISECONDS since the epoch
{uploaded-MIME-body-ID} = ID of message uploaded via FileUploadServlet
{noICal} = if TRUE, then don't process iCal attachments. Default is FALSE.
TODO: even if noICal is true, calendar should still link message to existing appointment
(by UID) if the appointment already exists.
{filterSent} = If TRUE, then do outgoing message filtering if the msg is being added to the Sent
folder and has been flagged as sent. Default value is FALSE.
Note that the element should include the element with the
entire message's content. (Omit if you specify an "aid" attribute.)
No elements should be provided within .
# Returns the Message's ID just created
{list-of-part-ids-to-remove} = comma-separated list of part IDs to strip from existing message body
# NOTE that this operation is effectively a create and a delete, and thus the message's item ID will change
* <-- only valid when modifying an existing contact -->
{contact-id} = unique contact id
{flags} = (f)lagged, has (a)ttachment
{modified-date} = secs since epoch, date contact was modified
{file-as} = current "file as" string for display/sorting purposes; *cannot* be used to *set* the file-as value
{attr-name} = name of the attribute (firstName, etc)
{folder-id} = id of folder to create contact in. Un-specified means use the default Contacts folder.
To add attachments, specify an {upload-id} instead of providing {attr-data} on the attr
alternatively, specify an {item-id} to attach, with an optional {subpart-name} for contacts and messages
when editing an existing contact, can omit the {item-id} and we'll assume it's the contact being edited
Date related attributes like "birthday" and "anniversary" SHOULD use "yyyy-MM-dd" format or, if the year
isn't specified "--MM-dd" format
when contacts are returned, they look like:
: valid only if the contact being created is a contact group (has attribute type="group")
{member-type} = C|G|I
C: reference to another contact
G: reference to a GAL entry
I: inlined member (member name and email address is embeded in the contact group)
{member-value} = if type=C: itemId of another contact. If the referenced contact is in a
shared folder, the itemId must be qualified by zimbraId of the
owner. e.g. {zimbraId}:{itemId}
if type=G: GAL entry ref (returned in SearcgGalResponse)
if type=I: name and email address in the form of: "{name}" <{email}>
or, if you have an existing vCard to add, you can specify a element with *one* of
-- inlined content
-- mid/part attributes specifying an existing message part
-- aid attribute specifying an uploaded text/calendar file
( definition above)
{folder-id} = id of folder to create contact in. Un-specified means use the default Contacts folder.
{tag-names} = list of tags to apply to the created contact
-- if "verbose='0'" (defaults to '1') was specified on the request, the returned
is just a placeholder containing the new contact ID (i.e. )
{tag-names} = list of tags to apply to the created contact
{attr-value} = new attribute value. If empty (), then the attribute will be removed.
{replace-mode} = 0 (false)|1 (true) [0 is default]
if {replace-mode} is 1, all attrs and group members in the specified contact are replaced with specified attrs
and group members, otherwise the attrs and group members are merged with the existing contact.
{op} = + | -
+ : add the value
- : remove the value
When {replace-mode} is 1, {op} must NOT be specified. If it is, INVALID_REQUEST will be thrown
When {replace-mode} is 0:
(1) if op is not present:
if {attr-value} is empty, remove the field
otherwise, replace the field with this value
(2) if op is present:
if {attr-value} is empty, throw INVALID_REQUEST
- otherwise, add/remove the specified value.
{member-op} = + | - | reset
+ : add the value - {member-type} and {member-value} are required
- : remove the value - {member-type} and {member-value} are required
reset : Delete all pre-existing members - new members can be specified with later elements using "+"
{member-type} and {member-value} are ignored
When {replace-mode} is 1, {member-op} must NOT be specified. If it is, INVALID_REQUEST will be thrown
When {replace-mode} is 0, {member-op} is required.
When modifying tags, all specified tags are set and all others are unset. If tn="{tag-names}" is NOT specified
then any existing tags will remain set.
NOTE: should we return modified attrs in response?
-- if verbose='0' (defaults to '1') was specified on the request, the returned
is just a placeholder containing the contact ID (i.e. )
if sync="1" present, return modified date (md) on contacts.
if l="{folder-id}" is present, return only contacts in the specified folder.
if present, return only the specified attribute(s).
if present, return only the specified attribute(s) for derefed members, applicable only when derefGroupMember=1.
if present, only get the specified contact(s).
{derefGroupMember} : Contact members can be:
- inline data of name and email address
- a reference to a local contact or a shared contact,
- a GAL entry
0 (default) - do not deref contact group members
1 - deref contact group members
Note: for performance reason, derefGroupMember is supported
only when specific contact ids are specified.
{returnHiddenAttrs} : whether to return contact hidden attrs defined in zimbraContactHiddenAttributes.
ignored if is present.
{max-members} : number of max GAL group members to return.
If number of members on a GAL group is greater than the specified max,
do not return any members under for the entry.
Instead, return a "tooManyMembers="1" on the .
{returnCertInfo} : whether to return the certificate information block for the contact. Default is 0
Certificate information is returned as element
If returnCertInfo is 0, certificate information is not returned
If returnCertInfo is 1, certificate information is returned as shown in the below example -
group onegroup8:group1...
Contact group members are returned as elements.
If derefGroupMember is not "1", group members are returned in the ordered they were inserted
in the group.
If derefGroupMember="1", group members are returned in the ordered of "key" of member.
Key is:
* for contact ref (type="C"): the fileAs field of the Contact
* for GAL ref (type="G"): email address of the GAL entry
* for inlined member (type="I"): the value
contact group members are returned as sub-elements of .
If for any(transient or permanent) reason a member cannot be dereferenced, then there will be no sub-element under .
For example:
group onegroup8:group1Smithjsmith@example.zimbra.comhttp://www.example.zimbra.comZimbraUSCA(408) 123-4567Mark20110620052132Zuser1user1@phoebe.mbpb4bf7953-c10f-449e-b7fe-3df48eea36f8inetOrgPersonzimbraAccountamavisAccountDemo User Oneuid=user1,ou=people,dc=phoebe,dc=mbp+1 650 555 111120110620052229Z8:Demo User One
{list} = on input, list of contacts to act on, on output, list of
contacts that were acted on
for op="update", caller can specify any or all of: l="{folder}", tn="{tag-names}", f="{flags}", color="{color}", attribute list:
See for more details.
{content-type} = only currently supported content type is "csv"
{folder-id} = optional folder id to import contacts into
{attach-upload-id} = attachment id from upload server. If specified, then body of content is ignored.
{csv-format} = the format of csv being imported. when it's not defined Zimbra
format is assumed. the supported formats are defined in
{csv-locale} = The locale to use when there are multiple {csv-format} locales defined. When it is not
specified, the {csv-format} with no locale specification is used.
TODO: should have an option on import that matches email addresses to existing contacts, and updates/ignores them.
{content-type} = currently, the only supported content type is "csv" (comma-separated values)
{folder-id} = optional folder id to export contacts from
{csv-format} = optional csv format for exported contacts. the supported formats
are defined in $ZIMBRA_HOME/conf/zimbra-contact-fields.xml
{csv-locale} = The locale to use when there are multiple {csv-format} locales defined. When it is not
specified, the {csv-format} with no locale specification is used.
{csv-delimiter} = optional delimiter to use in the resulting csv file
is:unreadSpeaking of animalsI am still looking for my monkey!phone numbers(650) 123-4567
Speaking of animalsThis is the fragmentThis is another fragThis is another frag that is part of a bigger
message. blah blah blah
Speaking of animalsThis is another fragThis is another frag that is part of a bigger
message. blah blah blah
A request that does nothing and always returns nothing. Used to keep a session alive, and return
any pending notifications.
If "wait" is set, and if the current session allows them, this request
will block until there are new notifications for the client. Note
that the soap envelope must reference an existing session that has
notifications enabled, and the notification sequencing number should
be specified.
If "wait" is set, the caller can specify whether notifications on
delegate sessions will cause the operation to return. If "delegate"
is 0, delegate mailbox notifications will be ignored. The default is 1.
Some clients (notably browsers) have a global-limit on the number of
outstanding situations with two App Instances connected
to one Zimbra Server, the browser app my appear to 'hang' if two app
sessions attempt to do a blocking-NoOp simultaneously. Since the apps
are completely separate in the browser, it is impossible for the apps
to coordinate with each other -- therefore the 'limitToOneBlocked'
setting is exposed by the server. If specified, the server will only
allow a given user to have one single waiting-NoOp on the server at a
time, it will complete (with waitDisallowed='1') any existing
limited hanging NoOpRequests when a new request comes in.
The server may reply with a "waitDisallowed" attribute on response to
a request with wait="1". If "waitDisallowed" is true, then
blocking-NoOpRequests (ie requests with wait="1") are *not* allowed by
the server right now, and the client should stop attempting them.
The client may specifiy a custom timeout-length for their request if
they know something about the particular underlying network. The
server may or may not honor this request (depending on server
configured max/min values: see Server attributes
zimbraMailboxNoopDefaultTimeout, zimbraMailboxNoopMinTimeout and
( {value} )*
-- setting a custom metadata section but providing no key/value pairs
will remove the sction from the item
( {value} )*
-- setting a mailbox metadata section but providing no key/value pairs
will remove the section from mailbox metadata
-- empty value not allowed
-- {metadata-section-key} must be no more than 36 characters long and must be
in the format of {namespace}:{section-name}. currently the only valid
namespace is "zwc".
-- modify request must contain one or more key/value pairs
-- existing keys' values will be replaced by new values
empty or null value will remove a key
-- new keys can be added
These APIs have been replaced with and , which offer improved ease of
use and error handling. The old APIs still work in ZCS 6.0, but have been removed since ZCS 8.0.
* Default value for "active" is 1.
Each test has the following optional attributes:
* "negative": specifies a "not" condition for that test
* "index": specifies a guaranteed order for the test and action elements
{body-template}{body-template} ?
{method}{this is reject message}{this is ereject message}{this is log message}
Each action has an optional "index" attribute which specifies a guaranteed order
for the action elements.
stringComparison values: is, contains, matches
numberComparison values: over, under
dateComparison values: before, after
size values are in bytes (no suffix), kilobytes (50K), megabytes (50M) or gigabytes (2G)
: date values are are truncated to the day. Hours, minutes, and seconds are ignored.
index is an integer, used to maintain the order of filter tests and actions.
method values: anyrequest, anyreply, publish, request, reply, add, cancel, refresh,
counter, declinecounter. anyrequest matches publish, request, add, cancel,
declinecounter. anyreply matches reply, refresh, counter. If no methods are
specified, the test returns true for all invites.
: behaves just like , but matches headers on
all MIME parts, instead of just the top-level headers.
: day-of-week-indices - 0=Sunday, 6=Saturday
body-template/subject-template: Can contain variables such as ${SUBJECT}, ${TO}, ${CC}, etc
(basically ${any-header-name}; case not important), plus ${BODY} (text body of the message).
origHeaders: Specifies list of headers to be copied from the original message to the notification message.
Value "*" implies that all headers need to be copied.
: this test is preferred instead of for headers that contain email addresses. The default
value of the part attribute is "all" which implies comparison against the full email address.
, , and all check the "X-Zimbra-Community-Notification-Type"
header against predefined groups of values. The groups are:
bb196c30-fad3-4ad8-a644-2a0187fc5617 - Friendships Requests
3772ef23-6aa0-4a22-9e88-a4313c37ebe6 - Group Membership Request
1b0500d2-c789-421e-a25b-3ab823af53be - Forums Requiring Moderation
6a3659db-dec2-477f-981c-ada53603ccbb - Likes
94dc0d37-3a65-43de-915d-d7d62774b576 - Ratings
4876d7ce-b48c-4a08-8cd9-872342c5bdf8 - Blog Post Comment
82e1d0b4-854e-43c9-85d7-dea7d4dec949 - Wiki Page Update
8e627c29-8602-4110-877d-0232e4ea2fd5 - Media Comment
be997a7a-5026-435f-8ea5-4fe3d90a6ba9 - New Media in Owned Gallery
eea4ccbb-6e07-4a6d-9bb6-8b02f060f79c - Forum Thread Awaiting Moderation Notification
352a702d-2a77-4307-9e9e-c564426e8cc8 - Forum Thread Subscription Notification
0e952633-fa46-448d-b1aa-bb6c60a388fb - Forum Reply Awaiting Moderation Notification
e3df1b21-ac81-4eb3-8ab6-69dc049f5684 - Forum Replies
f8c93cd5-d40e-461d-b13a-b02e92bfcbbf - Forum Thread Verified Answers
194d3363-f5a8-43b4-a1bd-92a95f6dd76b - Friendships
1cee0f92-3650-4110-9f0b-69b0e175914d - Mentions
bb196c30-fad3-4ad8-a644-2a0187fc5617 - Group Membership
328e5139-d759-405c-98da-91cd25bcc80c - Group Mentions
Nested Rules:
In addition to the normal set of tests and actions, a filter rule may contain one or more layers of nested rules. If nested rules are
specified the filter action(s) must be specified on the innermost level. All conditions are evaluated and if true the innermost action(s) are executed.
Note that as of ZCS 8.5 nested filter rules are supported in the SOAP API but not in the end user filter preferences UI.
Notify action:
generates the Zimbra specific format of the notify filter rule.
generates the RFC 5436 and 5436 compliant notify filter rule.
is available only when the global config 'zimbraMailSieveNotifyActionRFCCompliant' key is set to TRUE
(if this key is set to TRUE, the Zimbra-format notify action will fail to execute, and vise versa).
{from} : The from address which is displayed at the From header of the notification message.
{subject} : The subject of the notification message.
{method} : "mailto:" url. Please refer to the RFC 5436 for more details.
{importance} and {options} : Reserved.
Applies one or more filter rules to messages specified by a comma-
separated ID list, or returned by a search query. One or the other
can be specified, but not both. Returns the list of ids of
existing messages that were affected.
Note that redirect actions are ignored when applying filter rules
to existing messages.
Corresponding API for outgoing/sent email filters (message structure same as above):
Returns the list of dictionaries that can be used for spell
[text to spell check]
Suggested words are listed in decreasing order of their match score.
The "available" attribute specifies whether the server-side spell checking
interface is available or not.
{name} : the optional name of the aspell dictionary that will be used to
check spelling. If not specified, the the dictionary will be either
zimbraPrefSpellDictionary or the account's locale, in that order.
{words} : comma-separated list of words to ignore just for this request.
These words are added to the user's personal dictionary of ignore words
stored as zimbraPrefSpellIgnoreWord.
name: name in the locale itself
localName: name in the user's locale
Returns all locales defined in the system. This is the same list returned by
java.util.Locale.getAvailableLocales(), sorted by display name (name attribute).
Returns intersection of all translated locales installed on the server and the list specified in zimbraAvailableLocale.
The locale list in the response is sorted by display name (name attribute).
{locale-id} : locale id. e.g. en_US
{locale-name-in-preferred-locale} : locale name in the preferred locale
For example, if the locale is fr_CA and the preferred locale is en_US, name will contain "French (Canada)";
if the locale is en_US and the preferred locale is fr_CA, name will contain "anglais (Etats-Unis)"
The preferred locale is determined with the following precedence:
(1) zimbraPrefLocale of the target account if it is present
(2) Otherwise the locale specified in the Accept-Language http header if it is present
(3) Otherwise the locale returned by Provisioning.getLocale, which uses a predefined fallback
chain to determine the preferable locale.
Tests the connection to the specified data source. Does not modify
the data source or import data. If the id is specified, uses an existing
data source. Any values specified in the request are used in the test
instead of the saved values.
Creates a data source that imports mail items into the specified folder via
the POP3 or IMAP protocol. Only one data source is allowed per request.
If SMTP is being enabled for the mail data source (IMAP/POP3) and SMTP settings are being specified, the
emailAddress attr must also be specified.
[{error message}]
[{error message}]
Returns all data sources defined for the given mailbox. For each data source,
every attribute value is returned except password.
lastError: the error message from the most recent sync for this data source.
This element is not returned if the last sync was successful.
failingSince: if the most recent sync(s) failed, this attribute specifies
the timestamp of the first failure. This attribute is not returned
if the last sync was successful.
Note: OAuthToken is temporary and it expires after a certain time interval
Client can refresh the OAuthToken in two ways
1. Refresh and update OAuthToken periodically
2. Refresh and update OAuthToken if the client gets the response as - error=" Invalid credentials (Failure)"
Changes attributes of the given data source. Only the attributes specified in the request
are modified. If the username, host or leaveOnServer settings are modified, the server
wipes out saved state for this data source. As a result, any previously downloaded
messages that are still stored on the remote server will be downloaded again.
Deletes the given data sources. The name or id of each data source must
be specified.
Triggers the specified data sources to kick off their import processes. Data import runs
asynchronously, so the response immediately returns. Status of an import can be queried
via the message. If the server receives an
while an import is already running for a given data source,
the second request is ignored.
Returns current status for all data sources. Status values for a data source are
reinitialized when either (a) another import process is started or (b) when the
server is restarted. If import has not run yet, the success and error attributes
are not specified.
isRunning: Whether data is currently being imported from this data source.
success: Whether the last import completed successfully.
error: If the last import failed, the error message that was returned.
WaitSet: scalable mechanism for listening for changes to one or more accounts
***See soap-waitset.txt for WaitSet API documentation***
Get account level permissions.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount GetRights instead.
If no elements are provided, all ACEs are returned in the response.
If elements are provided, only those ACEs with specified rights are returned in the response.
{right} = viewFreeBusy | invite
{deny} = 1 | 0(default)
if a right is specifically denied
{grantee-type} = the type of grantee:
usr - Zimbra user
grp - Zimbra group(distribution list)
all - all authenticated users
gst - non-Zimbra email address and password (not yet supported)
key - external user with an accesskey
pub - public authenticated and unauthenticated access
{zimbra-id} = zimbraId of the grantee
{grantee-name} = name or email address of the grantee.
ot present if {grantee-type} is "all" or "pub"
{pw} = optional arguments. password when {grantee-type} is "gst" (not yet supported)
{key} = optional arguments. access key when {grantee-type} is "key"
Grant account level permissions.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount GrantRights instead.
If gt is:
usr - either zid or d is required.
grp - either zid or d is required.
all - zid, d, pw are ignored
gst - zid is ignored, d is required, pw is optional
key - zid is ignored, d is required
pub - zid, d, pw are ignored
For usr and grp:
- if zid is provided, server will lookup the entry by zid and grantee type, and d is ignored.
- if zid is not provided and d is provided, server will lookup the grantee by name and grantee type.
if the lookup failed, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT/NO_SUCH_DISTRIBUTION_LIST will be thrown.
If gt == key:
- if key is given, server will use that as the access key for this grant
- if key is not given, server will generate an access key
GrantPermissionResponse returns permissions that are successfully granted.
Revoke account level permissions.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount RevokeRights instead.
Same notes as those for GrantPermissionRequest about identifying the grantee.
RevokePermissionResponse returns permissions that are successfully revoked.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount CheckRights instead.
{target-type} = account | calresource | dl
Check if the authed user has the specified right(s) on a target.
If the specified target cannot be found:
- if by is "name", return the default permission for the right.
With user1's auth token, the following checks if user1 can invite user2 and
view user2's free/busy.
allow = 1 | 0
1: the authed user has the right on the target
0: the authed user does not have the right on the target
In CheckPermissionResponse, it is the AND result of each individual result
In each element, it is the result for that right.
Get account level rights.
If no elements are provided, all ACEs are returned in the response.
If elements are provided, only those ACEs with specified rights are returned in the response.
{right} = viewFreeBusy | invite
{deny} = 1 | 0(default)
if a right is specifically denied
{grantee-type} = the type of grantee:
usr - Zimbra user
grp - Zimbra group(distribution list)
all - all authenticated users
gst - non-Zimbra email address and password (not yet supported)
key - external user with an accesskey
pub - public authenticated and unauthenticated access
{zimbra-id} = zimbraId of the grantee
{grantee-name} = name or email address of the grantee.
ot present if {grantee-type} is "all" or "pub"
{pw} = optional arguments. password when {grantee-type} is "gst" (not yet supported)
{key} = optional arguments. access key when {grantee-type} is "key"
Grant account level rights.
If gt is:
usr - either zid or d is required.
grp - either zid or d is required.
all - zid, d, pw are ignored
gst - zid is ignored, d is required, pw is optional
key - zid is ignored, d is required
pub - zid, d, pw are ignored
For usr and grp:
- if zid is provided, server will lookup the entry by zid and grantee type, and d is ignored.
- if zid is not provided and d is provided, server will lookup the grantee by name and grantee type.
if the lookup failed, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT/NO_SUCH_DISTRIBUTION_LIST will be thrown.
If gt == key:
- if key is given, server will use that as the access key for this grant
- if key is not given, server will generate an access key
If chkgt is set, INVALID_REQUEST will be thrown if wrong grantee type is specified.
GrantRightsResponse returns rights that are successfully granted.
Revoke account level rights.
Same notes as those for GrantRightsRequest about identifying the grantee.
RevokeRightsResponse returns rights that are successfully revoked.
Return all targets of the specified rights applicable to the requested account.
1. This call only discovers grants granted on the designated target type of the specified rights.
It does not return grants granted on target types the rights can inherit from.
2. For sendAs, sendOnBehalgOf, sendAsDistList, sendOnBehalgOfDistList rights,
name attribute is not returned on elements. Instead, addresses
in the target entry's zimbraPrefAllowAddressForDelegatedSender are returned in
elements under the element.
If zimbraPrefAllowAddressForDelegatedSender is not set on the target entry, the entry's
primary email address will be return in the only element
under the element.
3. For all other rights, name attribute is always returned on elements, no
will be returned. name attribute contains the entry's
primary name.
If a discoverd target is an account or a group, display name of the entry is return in the d="..."
attribute if the entry has a display name set.
Check if the authed user has the specified right(s) on a target.
{key} = if by id, zimbraId of the target entry
if by name, name of the target entry
{target-type} = account | calresource | dl | domain
allow = 1 | 0
1: the authed user has the right on the target
0: the authed user does not have the right on the target
For the allow="1|0" on each , it is the AND value of all requetsed rights
for the target.
This request will return a SOAP fault if the zimbraSoapExposeVersion
server/globalconfig attribute is set to FALSE.
If no is present in a list, it means to remove all addresses
in the list.
e.g. remove all addresses in the white list
{op} = + | -
+ : add, ignored if the value already exists
- : remove, ignored if the value does not exist
if not present, replace the entire list with provided values.
Note, can't mix +/- with non-present op)
1. replace the entire white list with "foo", "bar".
2. add values "foo" and "bar" to white list
3. remove values "foo" and "bar" from white list
4. add "foo" and remove 'bar"
5. mix +/- and non-present op - now allowed, INVALID_REQUEST will be thrown
{includeSelf} = 0 if shares owned by the requested account should not be included in the response
1 (default) include shares owned by the requested account
(It might be useful to see the shares I've shared to a DL that I belong to so
that I know I'm sharing it correctly.)
{grantee_type} = if specified, filters the result by the specified grantee type.
{grantee-id} = if specified, filters the result by the specified grantee id.
{grantee-name} = if specified, filters the result by the specified grantee name.
Notes on {grantee_type}, {grantee-id}, {grantee-name}:
- it's recommended that only one of {grantee_type}, {grantee-id}, {grantee-name} is specified.
- if multiple are specified and they conflict, e.g. {grantee-type} is grp but
{grantee-id} contains an account id, obviously no result will be returned because
no grant will be matching that condition.
{owner-by} = name | id
Note: In order to defend against harvest attacks this SOAP call will
return "no shares" instead of error when an invalid user name/id is used.
- if is *not* specified server will search the LDAP for published shares (zimbraSharedItem
account attribute) accessible to the authed user.
- if *is* specified, server will iterate through the owner's mailbox to discover all
shares applicable to the authed user, instead of looking at any of the published share info.
All applicable shares will be returned, including any shares that are:
- shared with the account directly
- shared with any group(and parent groups) the account belongs. (*is* supported)
- shared with the cos assigned to the account. (*is* supported)
- shared with the domain this account is in. (*is* supported)
- shared with all authed users (i.e. all Zimbra users) (*is* supported)
- shared with the public (*is* supported)
1. What folders are shared with any of the groups I belong to?
1a. folders of any user
1b. folders of a particular user
2. What folders does a particular user share with me?
2a. include all folders directly shared with me and shared
with an entry I can inherit shares from:
2b. include only folders directly shared with me.
3. Show me all folders shared directly with me and with any entry I can inherit shares from:
mid="{mountpoint-id}" : returned if the share is already mounted.
contains the folder id of the mountpoint in the local mailbox.
The client can list the recipient email addresses for the share, along
with the itemId of the item being shared.
Request with "action=edit" indicates that permissions were modified for an
existing share.
A request with "action=expire" is sent by the system itself, when a share
expires and is automatically revoked.
returns the effective permissions of the specified folder
reset - resets the contact ranking table for the account
delete - delete the ranking information for the email address
{generated UUID}
Ajax client can use this request to ask the server for help in generating a proper, globally unique UUID.
{member email}+
limit - the number of members to return (0 is default and means all)
offset - the starting offset (0, 25, etc)
more-flag = true if more members left to return
total = total number of distribution lists (not affected by limit/offset)
returns group members sorted ascendingly by email address.
When includeOlderRevisions is set to true, the server will purge all the
old revisions inclusive of the revision specified in the request.
Notes: SendVerificationCodeRequest results in a random verification code being generated and sent to a device.
Notes: Request for validating the verification code sent to a device. After successful validation the server
sets device email address as the value of zimbraCalendarReminderDeviceEmail account attribute.
Add the comment to specified item. Currently the comments can be
added to Documents only.
There will be at most one or block for each shared item
regardless of how many times the share notification was re-sent by the
owner. indicates the previous share is no longer available
to the user and should be hidden or removed from the UI. If "expire=1" is set
on it indicates that the share expired and was automatically revoked
by the system.
notification-item-id = the id of the share notification message. The message must be in the Inbox folder.
status is "new" if the message is unread or "seen" if the message is read.
perm = combination of r (read) w (write) i (insert) d (delete) x (action) a (admin)
authed account must have the privilege to create dist lists in the domain
dynamic: 1(default): create a dynamic distribution list
0: create a static distribution list
needOwners = whether to return owners, default is 0
1: return owners
0: don't return owners
needRights = return grants for the specified (comma-separated) rights.
e.g. needRights="sendToDistList,viewDistList"
If the authed account is one of the list owners, all (requested) attributes of the DL
are returned in the response. Otherwise only attributes visible and useful to
non-owners are returned.
Specified are returned only if the authed account is one of the list owners.
Only grants on this group entry is returned, inherited grants on domain or globalgrant
are not returned.
dynamic = whether this is a dynamic distribution list
grantee-type =
usr - a Zimbra internal user
grp - a Zimbra internal group
egp - an external AD group
all - all Zimbra users (id and name will not be present)
pub - public (id and name will not be present)
Returns groups the user is either a member or an owner of.
Note: isOwner is returned only if ownerOf on the request is 1.
isMember is returned only if memberOf on the request is not "none".
For example, if ownerOf="1" and memberOf="none" on the request, and
user is an owner and a member of a group, the returned entry for the group
will have isOwner="1", but isMember will not be present.
{owner-of} = 1: needs groups the user is an owner of.
0 (default): do not need groups the user is an owner of.
{member-of} = all: needs all groups the user is a direct or indirect member of.
none: do not need groups the user is a member of.
directOnly (default): needs groups the account is a direct member of.
{attrs} = comma-separated attributes to return. Note: non-owner user can see only certain
attributes of a group. If a specified attribute is not visible to the user,
it will not be returned.
{via-dl-name} = is present if the account is a member of the returned list because
they are either a direct or indirect member of another list that is
a member of the returned list.
For example,
if a user is a member of, and
is a member of, then
would be returned.
This is OAuth related API used for fetching details of OAuth consumers/apps for an account.
Response for this API include access token(this acts as a key), application name, device information, approved on date.
This is OAuth related API used for revoking access for an OAuth consumer.