Running QA Test Suite in Eclipse -------------------------------- Developers can run QA test suite in Eclipse before check ins. After building ZimbraServer project, check out ZimbraQA project and run the test targets in build.xml. There are two targets defined, "Dev Pre-Checkin Sanity Check" and "Run All Tests". The first one is a minimal set of tests that used to exist in ZimbraServer project. It has been moved into ZimbraQA. The second test is nearly identical to the test run by build machine after each build and includes all tests created by QA team. It may take a while to run through the test, and execution time will grow as QA team adds more tests, but it's a good thing to run it to avoid introducing bugs. Run All Tests target executes all *.xml test input files under ZimbraQA/data/soapvalidator directory and its subdirectories. Any new files added will be processed automatically. Some of the tests create many test accounts. These accounts have names that include timestamp to avoid collision with repeated test execution. The accounts are not cleaned up by the tests. Run ZimbraServer reset-the-world to remove them. Currently (3/30/2005) all tests can be repeated successfully without requiring reset-the-world between each execution. But this is not a requirement for the test cases. They are guaranteed to pass only after a reset-the-world. If the tests fail for you, try rerunning it after reset-the-world. The test driver class is SoapTestCore. This is what build.xml targets invoke. SoapTestCore depends on classes from ZimbraServer project. So make sure to build ZimbraServer project before running test targets. More specifically, zimbrastore.jar file must be built (jar target in ZimbraServer/build.xml).