LDAP Replication The ZCS suite now support LDAP replication, with an easy to use setup process. LDAP replication allows you to spread the load of LDAP searches amongst several servers on your network, reserving the master LDAP server for write operations. Multiple LDAP replica servers can be configured in a multi-node installation. To set up LDAP in a multi-node installation: - Install the master LDAP server first, as in the normal installation. The LDAP master must be running for replication to be set up. NOTE: replication setup will stop and start the services on the master LDAP server. If you are in a production environment, this will interrupt services to your users. - On hosts that will run LDAP replica servers: - When selecting packages to install, select zimbra-ldap (in addition to any other packages you may wish to install) - During the configuration phase, the LDAP service will be enabled by default. DISABLE the LDAP service on the replica. - Set the LDAP master host and port to point at the previously installed master server. - Configure other installed packages (if any) normally. - Apply the configuration, and verify that all services have started as expected. The LDAP service will NOT be started on the replica host at this stage. - On the LDAP MASTER host, as the zimbra user, run the command zmupdateauthkeys. This will allow the replica to communicate with the master for initial setup. - On the LDAP REPLICA host, as the zimbra user, run the command zmldapenablereplica. The following sequence of actions will be performed: - The connection to the master will be tested. - The replication server's configuration will be updated. - A replication user with read access to the master DB will be created - Zimbra services on the LDAP master and replica servers will be stopped - The LDAP database will be copied over to the replica - Zimbra services on the LDAP master and replica servers will be started - At this stage, the replica is completely configured, and all services on the replica server will go to the local DB for read operations (mta excepted). Write operations will still go to the ldap master. - If the mta service is running on the replica server, and you wish to have mta lookups performed against the replica, run, as the zimbra user, the command "zmmtainit localhost". - Pointing other hosts at the replica servers - To point other ZCS hosts at your replica servers, modify the ldap_url config key (as the zimbra user): zmcontrol stop zmlocalconfig -e ldap_url="new url" The value of the new url will be a space separated list of ldap urls. The ldap master url should be the last in the list: "ldap://ld1.mydomain.com ldap://ld2.mydomain.com ldap://master.mydomain.com" - If the mta is configured on this host, run (as the zimbra user): zmmtainit hostname where hostname is the name of the ldap replica you wish to use for mta lookups. - Start the zimbra services on this host.