1. Introduction
Role based delegate admin is about "who" can do "what" on "which" objects.
The following terms are used in modeling and implementation of the system:
1.1 Grantees - "who" can do
One or a group of Zimbra admin users that can be granted permissions for scoped
operations(i.e. rights) on specified target objects.
Grantee can be:
- an account:
the grant is applied to the authenticated account
- a group(i.e. "distribution list"):
the grant is applied to any authenticated account in the group
1.2 Targets - on "which" objects
Objects on which operations can be performed and rights can be granted on.
A target can be:
- account
- calendar resource
- cos
- distribution list
- domain
- global config
- global grant
- server
- xmppcomponent
- zimlet
There are three aspects of targets that need to be dealt with:
(A) target object, on which a rights are granted.
(B) type of target, for which rights are applicable.
(C) scope of targets, in which granted rights are effective.
Depending on the context, we are dealing with different aspects of a "target".
See "2. About Targets" for discussion on targets.
1.3 Rights - "what" can or cannot be done
See "3. Rights" for the full list of rights for each target type.
- positive rights
For example: allow setPassword
allow createAccount
- negative rights
Rights specifically denied to a grantee.
For example: deny setPassword
deny createAccount
Purpose of negative rights is to partially negate rights granted to a wider scope of grantees or
granted on a wider scope of targets.
Use cases:
- negate a subset of grantees:
. all members of group-admins, except for admin-1 and admin-2, can create accounts in domain company.com.
(admin-1 and admin-2 are in group group-admins)
. no one in group-newbies can create accounts in domain company.com, except for admin-3 and admin-4.
(admin-3 and admin-4 are in group group-newbies)
- negate a subset of targets:
. admin-2 can change password of all accounts in domain company.com, except for ceo@company.com and cfo@company.com.
(ceo@company.com and cfo@company.com are in domain company.com)
. Password of members in group-bosses cannot be changed by admin-1, except for foo.
(foo is in group group-bosses)
1.4 Grant
The assertion "who can/cannot do what on which objects" is called a "grant".
For example:
grantee right target
members of group-1 can createAccount on domain-2
admin-1 cannot setPassword on all users in domain-1
1.5 ACE (Access Control Entry)
A grant is represented by an ACE.
- An ACE defines a grant.
- An ACE is stored in an LDAP attribute on the target entry.
- An ACE consists of three parts:
(1) Zimbra ID of the grantee (e.g. 6ecd16b8-5ced-4aa0-8f95-bdc331d8c22a)
(2) Type of the grantee (e.g. usr)
(3) Allowed or denied right (e.g. -createAccount)
See "4. Storage - LDAP" for storage and format of ACE.
1.6 ACL (Access Control List)
A list of ACEs, stored in a LDAP attribute on target entries. The attribute is multi-valued,
each value represents an ACE, the collection of all the values represents the ACL for the target.
2. About Targets
Depending on the context, there are three aspects of targets that need to be dealt with:
(A) target object, on which rights are granted.
As described in 1.5, ACEs are defined on target entries.
For example, the domain entry "company.com" is a target object.
(B) type of target, for which rights are applicable.
Each right can only be applied on the type or types of objects that makes sense.
For example:
- the setPassword right is only applicable to account and calendar resource object types.
- the createAccount and modifyDomain rights are only applicable to domain objects.
- the addDistributionListMember right is applicable to distribution list objects.
(C) scope of targets, in which granted rights are effective.
Do not mix up this with (A) or (B).
Take the setPassword right for example. While it is a right that is only applicable to accounts
and calendar resource, the setPassword right can be granted on a domain object. The notion of granting
an account/CR right on a domain specifies that the right is effective on all accounts/CRs in the domain.
Following is the complete description on target scopes. If the grant is on a:
- account : the account entry
- calendar resource : the calendar resource entry
- cos : the cos entry
- distribution list : if the right is applicable to:
- distribution lists:
the distribution list and all distribution lists under this distribution list.
- accounts and calendar resources:
all accounts and calendar resources that are direct/indirect members of this
distribution list
- domain : if the right is applicable to:
- domains:
the domain entry (note, not any sub-domains under this domain)
- distribution lists:
all distributions lists in this domain
- accounts and calendar resources:
all accounts and calendar resources in this domain
- global config : the global config entry
- global grant : the global grant entry
- server : the server entry
- xmppcomponent : the xmpp component entry
- zimlet : the zimlet entry
3. Rights
3.1 How Are Rights Defined
3.1.1 System-Defined Rights
System rights are defined in ZimbraServer/conf/zimbra-rights.xml file
There are 4 types of rights: preset, setAttrs, getAttrs, combo
Naming convention:
checked by SOAP handler
create{Object} - create an object Create{Object}Request
delete{Object} - delete an object Delete{Object}Request
rename{Object} - rename an object Rename{Object}Request
list{Object} - know the existence of an object GetAll{Object}Request, SearchDirectory
get{Object} - read all attributes on an object Get{Object}Request
modify{Object} - modify and read all attributes on an object Modify{Object}Request
view{Object} - read some attributes on an object Get{Object}Request
configure{Object} - modify and read some attributes on an object Modify{Object}Request preset Right
- Has predefined, fixed implication on targets.
e.g. createAccount - create account
renameDomain - rename domain
reindexMailbox - reindex mailbox
seeServer - know the existence of a server
- Is associated with a fixed target type
createAccount - domain
reanmeAccount - account
seeServer - server
- Independent of other rights on the same target.
e.g. :
- if grantee G is allowed the setPassword, renameAccount, restoreAccount rights on
account A, we do not check if G is allowed/denied the modifyAccount right on A when
set password/rename account/restore account are executed.
- if grantee G is allowed the backupAccount, viewEmail, getMailboxDump rights on
domain D, we do not check if G is allowed/denied the getAccount right on A
when backup account/view email/get mailbox dump are executed.
- Some Operations Require Rights on Multiple Targets
If a right involves accessing multiple targets, the grantee needs to have adequate
rights on all pertinent targets.
For example:
- to create alias alias-1@domain-2.com for account account-1@domain-1.com, the grantee must
have rights to:
- addAccountAlias on account-1 (this allows adding an alias for account-1)
- createAlias in domain-2.com (this allows creating an alias entry in domain domain-2.com)
- Likewise to remove the alias from the account, the grantee must have rights to:
- removeAccountAlias of account-1@domain-1.com
- deleteAlias in domain-2.com. getAttr Right
- Allows reading attribute values.
e.g. getAccount - get all attributes of account
viewQuota - get zimbraMailQuota, zimbraQuotaWarnPercent, zimbraQuotaWarnInterval, zimbraQuotaWarnMessage attributes
- Can be associated with none or multiple target types. setAttr Right
- Allows modifying and reading attribute values.
e.g. modifyAccount = modify all attributes of account
configureQuota - get zimbraMailQuota, zimbraQuotaWarnPercent, zimbraQuotaWarnInterval, zimbraQuotaWarnMessage attributes
- Can be associated with none or multiple target types. combo Right
- Right containing other rights.
- Cannot be associated with a target type.
3.1.2 Inline Attribute Rights
- Specified on the grants
- Format is {op}.{target-type}.{attribute-name}
{op}: get | set
get: reading the attribute
set: reading and writing the attribute
account |
resource |
cos |
distributionlist |
domain |
config |
server |
xmppcomponent |
{attribute-name}: attribute name
- e.g.
- In a grant(zimbraACE), it shows up at the spot for {right}
2246ffcf-1ae2-402a-be91-bc0b3be4c0f0 usr set.account.zimbraMailStatus
3.2 Target Types of a Right
- Target types on which the right is applicable.
- If a right is granted on a target it is not applicable to, the grant is not effective (ignored).
- For preset rights: one
The target on which the right is applicable.
- For getAttrs/setAttrs rights: one, or multiple
The right is only applicable on those target types
e.g. 1. can modify zimbraMailStatus on accounts
configure account mail status
- if granted on a domain, can modify zMS on all accounts in the domain
- if granted on a distribution list, can modify zMS on all accounts in the DL
- if granted on an account, can modify zMS on the account
e.g. 2. can modify zimbraMailStatus on domains
configure domain mail status
- if granted on a domain, can modify zMS on the domain, and on all the DLs in the domain, and on all accounts in the domain.
- if granted on a distribution list, can modify zMS on the DL, and on all direct/indirect sub-DLs in the DL,
and on all direct/indirect account members in the DL.
- if granted on an account, can modify zMS on the account
e.g. 3. can modify zimbraMailStatus on domains
configure domain mail status
- if granted on a domain, can modify zMS on the domain (only on the domain entry, not accounts/DLs in the domain)
- if granted on a distribution list, no effect
- if granted on an account, no effect
- For combo rights: none
Target types specified for each right the combo right contains apply.
3.3 Granting Rules for getAttr/setAttr System and Inline Rights
- getAttr/setAttr are checked in SOAP get{object}/modify{object} handlers. As follows:
Naming convention of rights:
(1) allow get{object} : can READ ALL attributes on the entry
(2) allow view*** : can READ SOME attributes on the entry
(3) allow modify{object} : can READ and WRITE ALL attributes on the entry
(4) allow configure*** : can READ and WRITE SOME attributes on the entry
(5) deny get{object} : cannot READ any attributes on the entry
(6) deny view*** : cannot READ SOME attributes on the entry
(7) deny modify{object} : cannot WRITE ALL attributes on the entry (note: does not deny read, just doesn't have a say on read)
(8) deny configure*** : cannot WRITE SOME attributes on the entry (note: does not deny read, just doesn't have a say on read)
The above can be short-handed in this table:
allow allow deny deny
read write read write
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(1) allow get{object} all
(2) allow view*** some
(3) allow modify{object} all all
(4) allow configure*** some some
(5) deny get{object} all
(6) deny view*** some
(7) deny modify{object} all
(8) deny configure*** some
For each attribute, the read/write permission is determined as follows:
allow deny result
(W) deny
(X) * allow
(Y) * deny
(Z) * * deny
1. Q: target allows modifyAccount right to the current admin, but does not have an ACE entry for configureQuota right
- can the current admin modify zimbraMailQuota of the target?
A: Yes. Because (3):(B)="allow write all" => result in (X)
2. Q: target allows modifyAccount right to the current admin, but has an entry for "deny configureQuota"
- can the current admin modify zimbraMailQuota of the target?
A: No. Because (3):(B)="allow write all" and (8):(D)="deny write some" => result in (Z)
3. Q: target has ACE entry "deny getAccount" and an ACE entry "allow configureQuota" for the current admin
- can the current admin see the value of zimbraMailQuota of the target?
A: No. Because (5):(C)="deny read all" and (4):(A)="allow read some" => => result in (Z)
However, if the question is "can the current admin *modify* the value of zimbraMailQuota of the target?" the answer would be Yes.
Because (5):(D)="not specified" and (4):(B)="allow write some" => result in (X)
3.4 Limit(constraints) for Modifying Attributes
Attributes cannot be modified to a value beyond the constraints for the attribute. If there is no constraint
for an attribute, it can be modified to any value allowed by the attribute syntax.
Constraints are defined in the multi-value attribute zimbraConstraint, each value in zimbraConstraint specifies
the constraint for an attribute. zimbraConstraint can be set on COS and global config entries.
Each zimbraConstraint value is in the format of:
{attr-name}:{min-max} | {values}
{min-max} = [min={min-value}][:max={max-value}] (min and max are inclusive)
{values} = {comma-separated allowed boolean values}
- for neumeric(integer, interval, port) attributes:
e.g. zimbraPasswordMinLength:min=4:max=6 (can be set to value between 4 and 6)
zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration:min=1m:max=7d (can be set to value between 1m and 7d)
zimbraMailQuota:min=100000000 (min=100000000, no max limit)
zimbraSignatureMaxNumEntries:max=10 (no min limit, max=10)
- for boolean attributes:
e.g. zimbraFeatureMailEnabled:values=TRUE,FALSE (can be set to TRUE or FALSE)
zimbraFeatureContactsEnabled:values=FALSE (can be set to FALSE)
- for enum attributes:
e.g. zimbraDomainStatus:values=active,maintenance,locked,closed
For account and cos attributes, constraints are specified in the corresponding COS attribute zimbraConstraint.
For domain and server attributes, constraints are specified in the global config attribute zimbraConstraint.
An admin is allowed to set attributes beyond constraints only if he has right to modify the zimbraConstraint
attribute that defines the constraint for the object he is modifying.
For example, if zimbraConstraint on cos C has:
- if the authed admin has right to modify zimbraConstraint on cos C (and has right to modify the corresponding
account/cos attributes), he can set:
zimbraPasswordMinLength to any value
zimbraSignatureMaxNumEntries to any value
all attributes to any value on cos C and accounts assigned to cos C
- if the authed admin does not have right to modify zimbraConstraint on cos C (and has right to modify the
corresponding account/cos attributes), he can set:
zimbraPasswordMinLength to between 6 and 8
zimbraSignatureMaxNumEntries to a value less than or equal to 10
all other attributes to any value on cos C and accounts assigned to cos C
3.5 System Defined Rights
The lists are tentative, they can certainly change during the development cycles of the delegate admin
project, and afterwards as the product evolves.
3.5.1 account:
see output of: zmprov gar account
3.5.2 calendar resource:
see output of: zmprov gar calresource
3.5.3 cos
see output of: zmprov gar cos
3.5.4 distribution list
see output of: zmprov gar dl
- All rights for account/calendar resource can also be granted on distribution list targets.
When account/calendar resource rights are granted on a DL entry, the ACEs are
interpreted as "apply to all direct or indirect account/calendar resource members
of this distribution list".
- Also see "(C) scope of targets" under "2. About Targets".
3.5.5 domain
see output of: zmprov gar domain
- All rights for account/calendar resource can also be granted on domain targets.
When account/calendar resources rights are granted on a domain entry, the ACEs are
interpreted as "apply to all accounts/calendar resources in this domain"
- All rights for distribution list can also be granted on domain targets.
When distribution list rights are granted on a domain entry, the ACEs are interpreted
as "apply to all distribution lists in this domain"
- Also see "(C) scope of targets" under "2. About Targets".
- See "3.6 The crossDomainAdmin Right" for the crossDomainAdmin right.
3.5.6 global config
see output of: zmprov gar config
3.5.7 global grant
see output of: zmprov gar global
- All rights for all other targets can also be granted on the global grant targets.
When any rights are granted on a global grant entry, the ACEs are
interpreted as "apply to all entries" onthe system.
e.g. If you grant a createAccount(which is a domain ight) right to adminA on the
global grant entry, it means adminA can createAccount in all domains on the
3.5.8 server
see output of: zmprov gar server
3.5.9 xmpp components
see output of: zmprov gar xmppcomponent
3.5.10 zimlet
see output of: zmprov gar zimlet
3.6 The crossDomainAdmin Right (a domain right)
The purpose of the crossDomainAdmin right is to close possible security holes that can happen by adding users from an
"unrelated management umbrella" to a distribution list that is under the administration of another "management umbrella".
An "management umbrella" is the concept of "one admin or a group of admins can manage several domains".
e.g. - adminA@X.com can manage(e.g. CreateAccount, ModifyAccount, ...) users in domain X.com, Y.com, and Z.com.
- adminB@P.com can manage users in domain P.com, Q.com, and R.com.
- adminGroup@M.com can manage users in domains M.com and N.com
In the above example, domain X.com, Y.com, and Z.com are under the same "management umbrella", domains
P.com, Q.com, and R.com are under the same "management umbrella", and domains M.com and N.com are
under the same "management umbrella". The three "management umbrella"s are "unrelated" to one another.
This can be implemented by granting rights on the domains, e.g.:
domain X.com (grant: {id-of-adminA@X.com} usr {right})
domain Y.com (grant: {id-of-adminA@X.com} usr {right})
domain Z.com (grant: {id-of-adminA@X.com} usr {right})
domain P.com (grant: {id-of-adminB@P.com} usr {right})
domain Q.com (grant: {id-of-adminB@P.com} usr {right})
domain R.com (grant: {id-of-adminB@P.com} usr {right})
domain M.com (grant: {id-of-adminGroup@M.com} grp {right})
domain N.com (grant: {id-of-adminGroup@M.com} grp {right})
Note: by adding admin users to adminGroup@M.com, you are giving right that is allowed to the
adminGroup@M.com to the admin user. Members of adminGroup@M.com can be in *any* domain.
e.g. admin@B.com, admin@C.com. The behavior that admin@B.com, admin@C.com *can* manage
users in M.com and N.com, is NOT a security hole. Because they are added explicitly by the
admin who decides "who can manage domains M.com an N.com". That is, adding out-of-domain
admins to a grantee group is fine, it is not a security concern.
However, adding out-of-domain users to a "target group" can open security holes.
Using the above example, consider this hierarchy:
domain X.com
group DL@X.com
user user1@X.com
user user2@Y.com
user user3@Z.com
user user4@P.com
Let's take the changePassword right as an example, assuming {right} is changePassword.
Now, it is fine when adminA@X.com changes password on users user1@X.com, user2@Y.com, user3@Z.com,
because adminA@X.com is granted the changePassword right on domains X.com, Y.com and Z.com.
But, if adminA@X.com is changing password on user4@P.com, this is a security hole and we should NOT allow
However, if letting adminA@X.com execute rights on user4@P.com is desired, we provide a way so that management
of domain P.com can say "sure, admins from domain X can administrate users in my domain".
The mechanism is the "crossDomainAdmin" right. It works as follows:
- The crossDomainAdmin right is a domain right. That is, it is only applicable when granted
on a domain.
- The "grantee" of a crossDomainAdmin right is, and has to be a domain. This is the only case when
the grantee of a grant is not an account or group.
- The grant looks:
{id-of-allowed-domain} dom crossDomainAdmin
for example:
On domain P.com, the admin who has the privilege to grant right on domain P.com can grant:
{id-of-domain-X.com} dom crossDomainAdmin
{id-of-domain-Y.com} dom crossDomainAdmin
The two grants allows admins in domain X.com and Y.com (note, they don't have any other right on domain
P.com) to execute their rights on users in P.com.
Internally, the algorithm for deciding on cross domain ACL checking is:
1. Go through the regular checking, if denied, stop
2. Otherwise (i.e. allowed) check if the target is a "domain-ed" entry.
A domain-ed entry is a: domain, distribution list, account, alias,
or calendar resource. If the target is not a domain-ed entry, allow
the right, stop.
3. Otherwise (i.e. target is a domain-ed entry) check if the authed admin
is in the same domain of the target. If it is, allow the right, stop.
4. Otherwise (i.e. target is a domained-ed entry and is in a different domain
than the domain of the authed admin), check if the grant that allows the right
is granted on a target that is in the same domain of the target. If it is,
allow the right, stop.
this is the case:
domain X.com (grant: allow admin@Y.com right)
user1@X.com <-- the target
Although user is in a different domain(X.com) than the authed admin's domain(Y.com),
the grant is on X.com, which is the same domain of the target entry (user1@X.com).
For this case, it is naturally allowed without having to check the crossDomainAdmin right.
5. Otherwise (i.e. the grant that allows it is *not* in the same domain of the target),
check if the authed admin has the crossDomainAdmin right on the domain of the
target entry, If it is, allow the right, stop.
this is the case:
domain X.com
group group@X.com (grant: {id-of-adminB@X.com} usr rightFoo) <-- the grant
user user1@P.com <-- the target
then on domain P.com, if either:
- domain X.com has the crossDomainAdmin right, or
- adminB@X.com also has rightFoo right
then it is allowed.
that is: either
domain P.com (grant: {id-of-domain-X.com} dom crossDomainAdmin)
domain P.com (grant: {id-of-adminB@X.com} usr rightFoo)
user user1@P.com (grant: {id-of-adminB@X.com} usr rightFoo)
- target right inheritance from a group is based on target "being a member" in the group.
- target right inheritance from a domain is based on target "being in the domain".
Therefore, being a member in a group in a different domain does NOT make the
target inheirt rights from the domain of the group.
For example:
group group@X.com has members user@X.com, user@Y.com
- group@X.com can inherit grants granted on domain X.com, because
group@X.com is in domain X.com.
e.g. if an admin is granted addDistributionListMember right on
domain X.com, the right is inherited on group@X.com
- user@X.com can inherit grants granted on domain X.com, because
user@X.com is in domain X.com.
e.g. if an admin is granted changePassword right on
domain X.com, the right is inherited on user@X.com.
- user@Y.com CANNOT inherit grants granted on domain X.com, because
user@Y.com is NOT in domain Y.com.
- user@X.com and user@Y.com can inherit grants granted on group group@X.com,
because user@X.com and user@Y.com are members in group group@X.com.
e.g. if an admin is granted changePassword right on group@X.com.
the right is inherited on user@X.com and user@Y.com.
There is no cross domain issue for inherited rights for user@X.com,
because user@X.com is in the same domain as the target(group@X.com)
from which the rights are inherited from.
However, for user@Y.com, the inherited grants are effective only when
one of the following is true:
1. the admin is in domain Y.com, or
2. the admin is in a domain that has crossDomainAdmin right on
domain Y.com
Otherwise the inherited grants are not effective on user@Y.com.
6. Otherwise, deny.
4. Granting and Revoking
4.1 Admin Accounts and Admin Groups
4.1.1 System Admin Account
A "system admin account" is an account with the account attribute zimbraIsAdminAccount set to TRUE.
- A "system admin" is a "can do all" admin. It is allowed for all admin SOAP commands, including
granting/revoking *any* right on *any* target to *any* admin/group.
- When a right is checked, if the authed admin is a system admin, it is always allowed. Server does *not*
check any ACL, whether positive or negative.
- A system admin can create other system admins, by setting their zimbraIsAdminAccount to TRUE.
- A system admin should not received any grant(i.e. be the grantee of grants), because it is
already allowed for everything. Granting to a system admin is considered an operational error.
4.1.2 Delegated Admin Account and Admin Group
A "delegated admin account" is an account with the account attribute zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount set to TRUE.
An "admin group" is a distribution list with the DL attribute zimbraIsAdminGroup set to TRUE.
- Only delegated admin accounts and admin groups can be granted admin rights.
(i.e. be the grantee of an admin grant.)
- If a delegated admin is "promoted" to a system admin (setting zimbraIsAdminAccount to TRUE), all existing
grants, including negative grants, will be *ignored*, and everythings will be allowed.
Note: - server will not automatically set zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount to FALSE, nor will it
enforce the admin to do so.
- all grants will still be in tact, server will not automatically revoke all existing grants,
nor will it enforce the admin to do so.
- If a system admin is "demoted" to a delegated admin (setting zimbraIsAdminAccount to FALSE and
zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount TO TRUE), if there are any existing grants, they will start to take effect.
4.1.3 Grants Are Valid only When the Grantee's Admin Flag is On
- When an account's zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount attribute changed from TRUE to FALSE, all existing grants to
the delegated admin account become invalid.
When zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount is changed from FALSE to TRUE, all existing grants automatically become
valid again.
- When a group's zimbraIsAdminGroup is is changed from TRUE to FALSE, all existing grants to the admin
group become invalid.
When zimbraIsAdminGroup is changed from FALSE to TRUE, all existing grants automatically become valid again.
- The above let admins temporary disable things without having to blow away and later recreate the grants.
4.2 Granting/Revoking
4.2.1 Who can grant (executing grant/revoke commands)
Delegated admin accounts and system admin accounts can grant/revoke admin rights.
4.2.2 Who can be Granted to (being the grantee)
Rights can only be granted to admin accounts/groups, i.e. being the grantee of an admin grant.
4.2.3 Which Rights and Target Entries can be Granted
When a right is granted with the "can grant" modifier, the grantee of the grant can further
grant the right or part of the right to others, on the same target on which his own grants
are on, or on targets that can inherit the grants(sub-targets).
e.g. if adminA has grants on a distribution list dl@test.com:
{id-of-adminA} usr changePassword
{id-of-adminA} usr +modifyAccount
{id-of-adminA} usr +manageDistributionList
and suppose manageDistributionList is a combo right that includes two rights:
addDistributionMember and removeDistributionMember.
- adminA cannot grant changePassword (he can only execute the right himself)
- adminA can grant the modifyAccount right on dl@test.com
- adminA can grant inline rights set.account.zimbraMailStatus or get.account.zimbraMailStatus,
because get/set account zimbraMailStatus is "part of" the modifyAccount right.
- adminA can grant the addDistributionMember right
- Rights can be granted on dl@test.com or any dl/account members of dl@test.com.
Note, if a right overlaps with the to-be-granted-right is specified denied to the grantor on a
sub-target, then the granting attempt will be denied. Otherwise the admin get granted
the right will end of having "more" rights than the granting admin.
e.g continue with the above example, if user1@test.com and user2@test.com are members
of dl@test.com, and there is a negative grant on user1@test.com that denies adminA
to modify zimbraFeatureCalendarEnabled, like:
{id-of-adminA} usr -set.account.zimbraFeatureCalendarEnabled
- adminA *cannot* grant the modifyAccount right on dl@test.com to others(e.g. adminB).
Because if the granting is allowed, then adminB will be able to set zimbraFeatureCalendarEnabled
on account user1@test.com, which adminA is not allowed to do.
- adminA *can* still grant the modifyAccount right on user2@test.com to others.
4.2.4 Which Target Type can a Right be Granted on
A right can only be granted on target types the right is applicable or on targets from
which the right can be inherited from.
e.g. an "account right" (e.g. renameAccount) can be granted on:
- accounts
- distribution lists
- domains
- global grant
e.g. a "account and cos" right (e.g. configureQuota) can be granted on:
- accounts
- distribution lists
- domains
- cos's
- global grant
For combo right, if any right in the combo right is not applicable on the target, the
right cannot be granted on the target.
e.g. if a combo right contains:
modifyAccount (an account right)
configureQuota (a cos and account right)
modifyCos (a cos right)
- the combo right *cannot* be granted on account targets, because modifyCos
is only applicable on cos targets.
- the combo right *cannot* be granted on cos targets, because modifyAccount
is only applicable on account targets.
- the combo right *can* be granted on the global grant target, because both
account and cos can inherit from global grant.
5. Storage - LDAP
5.1 Grants
A grant, which is represented by an ACE, is stored in a LDAP attribute zimbraACE on target entries.
cardinality="multi" (each value is an Access Control Entry, hence making an ACL)
zimbraACE Format:
{grantee-zimbraId} {grantee-type} [{right-modifier}]{right}
{grantee-zimbraId} = zimbraId of the grantee
{grantee-type} = usr - grantee is an admin account
grp - grantee is a group of admin accounts
dom - grantee is a domain (only for the crossDomainAdmin right)
{right} = the right.
{right-modifier} = - | +
'-': the right is specifically denied.
'+': the right is allowed, and the whole or part of the
right can be delegated to others.
missing (no modifier): the right is allowed.
- On a domain target:
75b0677b-6ed1-4f0a-a37e-e5b24e4c2d22 usr createAccount
==> account 75b0677b-6ed1-4f0a-a37e-e5b24e4c2d22 can create accounts in this domain.
55e1d53f-83cb-4d4c-a6a8-3b3da7841fd1 grp -setPassword
==> None of any direct or indirect members of DL 55e1d53f-83cb-4d4c-a6a8-3b3da7841fd1 can
set password for any accounts in this domain
75b0677b-6ed1-4f0a-a37e-e5b24e4c2d22 usr -configureGAL
==> account 75b0677b-6ed1-4f0a-a37e-e5b24e4c2d22 can configure GAL on this domain
75b0677b-6ed1-4f0a-a37e-e5b24e4c2d22 usr +configureGAL
==> account 75b0677b-6ed1-4f0a-a37e-e5b24e4c2d22 can configure GAL on this domain
and can delegate the right to others.
- On an account target:
3b00a6bd-12ca-417d-9312-c5664a8c26b3 grp -setPassword
==> None of any direct or indirect members of DL 3b00a6bd-12ca-417d-9312-c5664a8c26b3 can
set password for this account.
c2e3fd70-97ac-43a4-8caa-4bf681251a49 usr configureQuota
==> account c2e3fd70-97ac-43a4-8caa-4bf681251a49 can configure quota of this account.
2246ffcf-1ae2-402a-be91-bc0b3be4c0f0 usr set.account.zimbraMailStatus
==> account 2246ffcf-1ae2-402a-be91-bc0b3be4c0f0 can set account attribute zimbraMailStatus.
zimbraACE is indexed. This is to discover the "all rights granted to a grantee G" information for admin console.
5.2 Add the "global grant" Entry
DN: cn=globalgrant,cn=zimbra
- For granting grants that affect all entries on the system. e.g all cos's, all servers, all domains.
- For granting the create{Object} rights that cannot be granted on any target becasue the target does not exist yet.
e.g. createTopDomain, createCos, createServer.
5.3 Add ACL Related Attributes
- zimbraACE
see 5.1
- zimbraConstratint
attribute constraints
TODO: fill all the constraints
- zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount
see 4.
- zimbraIsAdminGroup
see 4.
5.4 Deprecated Attributes
- zimbraIsDomainAdminAccount
All right checking will be based on ACL. zimbraIsDomainAdminAccount will be ignored throughout the server code.
Current accounts with zimbraIsDomainAdminAccount=TRUE will be migrated by granting them the equivalent rights.
6. ACL Checking Rules
6.1 The Most Specific Grant Takes Precedence
A) Target Scope
most specific least specific
account -> distribution lists -> domain(of the account) -> global grant
distribution list -> distribution lists -> domain(of the DL) -> global grant
domain -> global grant
cos -> global grant
server -> global grant
xmppcomponents -> global grant
zimlet -> global grant
- all groups the account is a direct/indirect member of are considered equally
when judging the grants. We take union of all grants granted on all groups the
target account is a member of. If there is any negative grants, deny. If
the union is empty, deny, Otherwise, allow.
- sub domain does not have a role in grant judging.
e.g.1 given the following grants for right R:
domain D (grant-1: allow admin A)
group G1 (grant-2: deny admin A)
account U (grant-3: allow admin A)
- admin A is allowed, because the most specific grant(grant-3) allows it.
e.g.2 given the following grants for right R:
domain D (grant-1: allow admin A)
group G1 (grant-2: deny admin A)
group G2 (grant-3: allow admin A)
account U
- admin A is denied, because grant-2 denies it.
Note: grant-2 and grant-3 are equally related to account U, grant-2 takes
precedence because it is a negative grant. (see 5.2)
B) Grantee Scope
most specific least specific
account distribution lists
- all groups the account is a direct/indirect member of are considered equally
when judging the grants. We take union of all grants granted on all groups the
target account is a member of. If there is any negative grants, deny. If
the union is empty, deny, Otherwise, allow.
e.g.1 given the following grants for right R:
user account U (grant-1: deny GA) (grant-2: allow A2)
admin group GA (A1 and A2 are members of group GA)
admin account A1
admin account A2
- admin A1 is denied for right R on account U, because grant-1 denies it.
- admin A2 is allowed for right R on account U, because grant-2 allows it.
grant-2 takes precedence over grant-1 because it is directly granted to the
admin account, whereas grant-1 is granted to a group.
C) Combining Target Scope and Grantee Scope: Target Relativity takes Precedence over Grantee Relativity
For example, given the following grants for right R:
group GU (grant-1: deny admin A)
user account U (grant-2: allow group GA)
group GA (A is a member of group GA)
admin account A
- A is *allowed* for right R on target account U, because grant-2(granted on the target itself) is
more specific to account U than grant-1(granted on a group the target account is a member of).
Even if on the grantee side, grant-1(grant to account A) is more specific than grant-2(grant to a group
the authed account is a member of)
6.2 Negative Grants Takes Precedence Over Positive Grants
If grants are all equally related to the target and grantee, and they conflict - dome deny, some allow,
then the negative grant takes precedence.
target account U (grant-1: allow group GA) (grant-2: deny group GA)
admin account A is a member of group GA
- admin account A is denied, because grant-2, the negative grant, takes precedence.
group GU-1 (grant-1: deny admin A)
group GU-2 (grant-2: allow admin A)
account U
- admin A is denied, because grant-1 and grant-2 are equally related to the target account U,
so the negtive grant takes precedence.
6.3 For Get{object}/Modify{object} SOAP Requests
All positive/negative rights will be expanded down to each attribute level and computed into an
effective set of attributes allowed for read/write.
Get{object}/Modify{object} will be allowed only if all attributes requested for Get/Modify are allowed
to be read/modified; otherwise the entire request will be denied(PERM_DENIED exception) and no attribute
is returned/modified.
7. Admin SOAP
See ZimbraServer/docs/soap-right.txt for SOAP requests and response.
7.1 Granting and Revoking Rights on a Target
- GrantRightRequest
Grant right on a target.
- RevokeRightRequest
Revoke right previously granted on a target.
7.2 Checking Rights and Getting Grants on a Target
- CheckRightRequest
Check if a principal has the specified right on target.
- GetEffectiveRightsRequest
Returns all *effective* rights the authenticated admin has on the specified target entry.
Effective rights are the rights the admin is actually allowed. It is the net result of
applying ACL checking rules given the target and grantee. Specifically denied rights
will *not* be returned.
The result can help the admin console decide on what tabs to display after a target
is selected. For example, after user1 is selected, if the admin does not have right
to setPassword, it should probably hide or gray out the setPassword tab.
- GetAllEffectiveRightsRequest
Like GetEffectiveRightsRequest, but this call returns effective rights on all targets
onthe system, not just a specific target.
- GetGrantsRequest
Returns all grants on the specified target entry.
The authenticated admin must have an effective "viewGrants" (TBD) system right on the specified target.
- GetCreateObjectAttrsRequest
Returns attributes, with defaults and constratints if any, that can be set by the authed admin when an
object is created.
GetCreateObjectAttrsRequest returns the equivalent of setAttrs portion of GetEffectiveRightsResponse.
GetCreateObjectAttrsRequest is needed becasue GetEffectiveRightsRequest requires a target, but when we are
creating a object, the target object does not exist yet.
The result can help the admin console decide on what tabs/attributes to display for creating objects.
7.3 Get/GetAll Right Definition
- GetRightRequest
Get definition for a right.
- GetAllRights
Get all system defined rights
8. zmprov
8.1 zmprov -l (ldap)
- zmprov -l will continue to support all it is supporting now, including create/delete/rename any objects and modifying
any non-immutable attributes
- "zmprov -l" is ***not*** restricted by any ACL.
- This is reasonable and is not a security hole because in order to run "zmprov -l", someone must actually logon to a box
ZCS is installed and has read access to localconfig.xml, which contains the LDAP root password.
8.2 zmprov (via soap)
run "zmprov help right" for all right related zmprov commands.
9. Admin console
Admin console will only display/enable the UI components that are:
(1) Allowed to the authenticated admin baesd on the effective rights granted to the
admin and/or to an admin group the admin belongs.
(2) Enabled by zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents
zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents is a multi-value attribute on account and distributuon list.
Admin console will only enable views/tabs that are listed in zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents.
UI components not listed in zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents will be disabled, even when the
authed admin has enough rights for the tasks.
TODO: document the list of all admin console UI components.
10. Backward Compatibility and Migration
10.1 Switch to the new Access Manager
The new ACL based access manager and the legacy domain based access manager check disjoint,
non-conflicting bits of the authed account and target objects. This makes switching back
and forth between the two access managers possible. However keep in mind it is not an
officially supported feature. That is, after upgrading to GnR, the only officially supported
permission checking scheme is the ACL based admin.
The legacy domain based access manager looks at the authed account's zimbraIsAdminAccount
and zimbraIsDomainAdminAccount attributes. It does *not* look at any ACL.
The new pure ACL based access manager looks at the authed account's zimbraIsAdminAccount
and zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount. If zimbraIsAdminAccount is TRUE, everything is allowed,
without checking any ACL. Otherwise if zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount, it checks ACLs
granted to the account or any admin groups it belongs.
To use the legacy domain based access manager, do:
zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_class_accessmanager=com.zimbra.cs.account.accesscontrol.DomainACLAccessManager
To use the new pure ACL based access manager, do:
zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_class_accessmanager=com.zimbra.cs.account.accesscontrol.ACLAccessManager
then restart the server.
*** Important note: the localconfig key has to be consistent across all servers, or else the
behavior is unexpected. And again, only the pure ACL based access manager is officially
10.2 Migrating Current Admin Accounts
10.2.1 For current global admins (zimbraIsAdminAccount),
Nothing needs to be done. The zimbraIsAdminAccount attribute will continue to allow
them to do anything.
10.2.2 For current domain admins (zimbraIsDomainAdminAccount),
(1) set zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount to TRUE
(2) Grant the following rights to them. These rights will give them exactly the
same(no more no less) privilege they had in FRANKLIN.
- On their domain: domainAdminRights
zmprov grr domain test.com usr domainadmin@test.com domainAdminRights
or use the admin console
- On COS's they used be able to see: domainAdminCosRights
The domainAdminCosRights combo right contains rights allowing them to:
- see COS's visible to them in GetAllDomains
- do GetCos on COS's visible to them.
zmprov grr cos cos1 usr domainadmin@test.com domainAdminCosRights
zmprov grr cos cos2 usr domainadmin@test.com domainAdminCosRights
or use the admin console
- On global grant: domainAdminZimletRights
The domainAdminZimletRights combo right contains rights allowing them to:
- see all zimlets in GetAllZimlets
- do GetZimlet on any zimlet.
zmprov grr global usr domainadmin@test.com domainAdminZimletRights
10.3 Reference and Documentations
(1) ZimbraServer/docs/rights.txt
Rights needed for each admin SOAP command and notes.
This file is generated by running the "zmprov getRightsDoc(grd) command.
It is also checked in p4.
(2) zmprov getAllRights(gar) [-v] {target-type}
List all admin rights.
If {target-type} is given, it returns rights *grantable* on the target type.
zmprov gar -v domain
returns all rigths that are grantable on a domain, which includes all
domain rights, account rights, calendar resource rights, and distribution
list rights.
10.4. TODO
We still need to go in all admin extensions to convert the right checking code
to use the right checking new API. I currently only converted admin SOAPs in
the core product.
11. References, requirements
- Kevin Kluge's requirement doc:
- role based delegate administration
- server side infrastructure for role based delegated administration
- Customer Care App Requirements