Steps: This install doc is aimed at developers internal to Zimbra. You'll see paths to internal shares and the like. It's also useful to setting up a development build with SVN, but that's not the main focus. See the INSTALL-SVN*.txt docs for that. Ref: 1. Install Perforce (P4) ( Configure server port to "" or "localhost:1066", depending whether you are in office or remote location and have set up an SSH tunnel . If they are remote, and have set up an SSH tunnel, then it is localhost:1066 Make sure to check out the repository code in "C" drive . (PS: After successfully installing Perforce, create a new workspace which would help you to track the checked out code from "eric" server. ) 2. Checkout the following from Perforce with below workspace mapping : "kumars_desktop_windows" is my workspace name. Make sure to replace "kumars_desktop_windows" with your workspace name . //depot/zimbra/main/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ThirdParty/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ThirdParty/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ThirdPartyBuilds/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ThirdPartyBuilds/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ZimbraAppliance/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ZimbraAppliance/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ZimbraDocs/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ZimbraDocs/... -//depot/zimbra/main/Prototypes/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/Prototypes/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ZimbraPerf/data/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ZimbraPerf/data/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ZimbraNetwork/ZimbraImportWizard/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ZimbraNetwork/ZimbraImportWizard/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ZimbraServer/src/windows/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ZimbraServer/src/windows/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ZimbraQA/ThirdParty/Scality/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ZimbraQA/ThirdParty/Scality/... -//depot/zimbra/main/ZimbraAdminExt/mobileZAC/build/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ZimbraAdminExt/mobileZAC/build/... //depot/zimbra/main/ThirdParty/jetty/jetty-distribution-9.1.1.v20140108.tar.gz //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ThirdParty/jetty/jetty-distribution-9.1.1.v20140108.tar.gz //depot/zimbra/main/ThirdPartyBuilds/windows/openldap/... //kumars_desktop_windows/main/ThirdPartyBuilds/windows/openldap/... Optional: ThirdParty - not needed to run, but has javadocs and source for the various 3rd party jars/servers. It's very very large since all the built servers and 3rd Party code (multiple versions) are in there. 3. Install the JDK ::-- Install latest 1.7.x JDK. Need full JDK, not just a JRE. The one which we have installed is java version "1.7.0_51" . Make sure to install it in c:\opt\zimbra\java Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the installed JDK location. (i.e JAVA_HOME =C:\opt\zimbra\java ) Add the installed JDK BIN location to the PATH environment variable. 4. Install MYSQL 5. The installation package we use is mysql-essential-5.1.73-winx64.msi (Avialable at Do a custom install and configure it to run on port 7306. Make sure to install it in c:\opt\zimbra\mysql. The admin account should be called “root” with a password of “zimbra”. The build.xml file in ZimbraServer relies on the root account to create the Zimbra database with user and password. Install MYSQL as a Windows service. 5 . Install Ant. A current installation package that works is Unzip the ant package, and place the unzipped files in c:\ant. Put c:\ant\bin in the PATH variable. Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to the ANT location. (i.e ANT_HOME =C:\ant) 6. Install OpenLDAP ::- In this step, we install openldap as windows service by using symas-openldap-gold-win.NT_i686- . And , then install CDS-Silver-3.7.1-Setup.exe available in \main\ThirdPartyBuilds\windows\openldap to "C:\opt\zimbra\openldap" as client side library containing the necessary dll and exec. The detailed description is below ::-- First, install openldap as windows service by using symas-openldap-gold-win.NT_i686- available in \main\ThirdPartyBuilds\windows\openldap to it's default location, "C:\Program Files (x86)\" .Then, you need to copy slapd.conf.win7 file from ZimbraServer/conf/ldap, and put it in the location "C:\Program Files (x86)\symas-openldap-gold-win\etc\openldap" and rename "slapd.conf.win7" to slapd.conf file . Copy the amavis and zimbra schemas that come from Perforce (C:\Perforce\main\ZimbraServer\build\dist\openldap\etc\schema) in this location (C:\Program Files (x86)\symas-openldap-gold-win\etc\openldap\schema) . Then try to run , openldap as windows service. In case if you are getting windows service error code 19, try the following things ::-- a . Create manually a folder structure as "C:\opt\zimbra\data\ldap\mdb\db", if a folder structure like this doesnot exist, as openldap reads this path from slapd.condslapd.conf, while starting . b . Go to Contorl panel > admistratiove tools > Local Security Settings > local policies > User Rights Assignment . Add the logged in user for these two policies : "Allow Log on locally" and "Log on as a Service" c . for slapd.conf file, give the logged in user the full permission . Now, try to run openldap as windows service. It will get started . Next, install CDS-Silver-3.7.1-Setup.exe available in \main\ThirdPartyBuilds\windows\openldap to "C:\opt\zimbra". This will install some dll and exec, which are required in "ant reset-all" command . Note: Check your Windows Services to verify that the new service is called "CDSSilverSlapd". If it's called something else (i.e. OpenLDAP-slapd) then you can create a file in the same directory as build.xml, and add a local variable like this: = OpenLDAP-slapd 7. If you install ant standalone, you can also run "ant reset-all" from within the ZimbraServer root directory. This will wipe out parts of /opt/zimbra, install jetty, reload the database, inject the sample messages, and compile/deploy the DHTML interface and the Admin Console. 8. Test deployment You should now be able to go to: http://localhost:7070/zimbra/ and login as "user1[@{hostname}]" (the domain is optional), with password "test123", where {hostname} is the name of your local machine. Note : Here, if you are getting error "HTTP ERROR: 503 Problem accessing /. Reason: Service Unavailable", then go to windows task manager > process tab . End java.exe by clicking on "End Process Tree" context menu . Now, again go to ZimbraServer root directory and run this command "ant start-jetty" . You will get the login page You can log into the Admin Console by going to: https://localhost:7071/zimbraAdmin and login as "admin@{hostname}" (the domain is mandatory), with the password "test123", where {hostname} is the name of your local machine. 9. Set up a local mail server. This will allow you to actually send mail from the development build. Install ActiveState Perl Download the active state perl windows msi installer from the following location: Launh the perl package manager from start->Programs->Active Perl->Perl Package Manager. Install the following package through PPM: Net-LMTP SMTP-Server Net-DNS NOTE: 10. See jetty.txt for details on how to start/stop jetty server and how to debug zimbra server. Troubleshooting: ******************* Jetty Server crashes frequently ********************** A) In case the Jetty server crashes frequently, follow the below steps :- Change the environment variable's JAVA_HOME path value to UNIX path: C:/opt/zimbra/java Add the following environment variables: JETTY_BASE => c:/opt/zimbra/jetty JETTY_PID => C:/opt/zimbra/log/ In the directory C:\opt\zimbra\jetty\etc replace the contents of the "jettyrc" file with the following, ensure the paths in JAVA_OPTIONS are correct : JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -DSTART=${JETTY_HOME}/etc/start.config -DSTOP.PORT=7867 -DSTOP.KEY=stop -Dzimbra.config=C:/opt/zimbra/conf/localconfig.xml -Djava.library.path=C:/opt/zimbra/lib -Djava.endorsed.dirs=${JETTY_HOME}/common/endorsed" JETTY_CONSOLE=C:/opt/zimbra/log/jetty.out JETTY_RUN=C:/opt/zimbra/log JETTY_ARGS=" --module=zimbra,server,servlet,servlets,jsp,jmx,resources,websocket,ext,plus,rewrite,monitor,continuation,webapp jetty.home=${JETTY_HOME} jetty.base=${JETTY_BASE}" CONFIGS="etc/jetty.xml" In the command line browse to the main/ZimbraServer directory and run the following command to make the unix property true ant -v start-jetty-unix -Dis-unix=true Run the server using: C:/opt/zimbra/bin/jetty start In case the server crashes, delete the file in the c:/opt/zimbra/log, before attempting restart. For stopping the server use :- Run the server using: C:/opt/zimbra/bin/jetty stop . Note : For running commands like ant dev-sync, jetty start, jetty stop, it's better to use cygwin . /* Not needed -- can be ignored Jetty service fails to start/stop throwing some exception: When the system crashes or force powered off the ldap gets uncomfortable and locks its primary db as well as the log files. Solution: You can stop the ldap service. Then get into \opt\zimbra\openldap\var\openldap-data and remove __*db.* and restart as usual. */